Need some help? I'm here for you!

In order for me to help you diagnose/fix whatever's wrong, I need some info about what's going on. Please furnish as much of the following as you can:

Computer type (E.G. 486/66, P/166, 8 meg RAM, 16 meg RAM, etc...)
Installed components (E.G. VGA, Sound card, CD-Rom, Printer on LPTx, etc...)
Operating system (E.G. DOS x.x, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, etc...)
EXACT Error message (if there is one), and when it occurs, or
Symptom (E.G. Can't get 256 colors, printer doesn't work, etc...)

Remember, the more info you give me, the easier it'll be for me to determine what's wrong. I'll return your mail usually within 48 hours.

Here's my problem:

I need help NOW!

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