how to be a fantastic lover

This document will teach you, step-by-step, how to properly have sex with a woman. How to make her moan in ecstasy; how to make her beg for more every time. How NOT to be a lousy lover.

Only 20% of all women have had an orgasm; but it has nothing to do with their bodies or their chemistry. It's because of how well their man can perform. Every woman can have an orgasm, when they have a decent lover.

This document is a perfect guideline for those of you who care how your lover feels, and want her to achieve full orgasm. But for those of you who just want to satisfy yourselves, following these instructions will clear a path to more and more chances at sex. And great sex, at that.

I possess this knowledge simply because I am a woman -- who better to know a woman's needs? I gather this information from myself, my own experiences, and the experiences of others. Humans are a sexual people, and the myths have gotten a bit out of hand. This document will attempt to dispel the average man's concept of the average woman... and of average sex.

The first thing you need to know, guys, is that everything you've ever seen in pornography is WRONG. That material is made for the sole attempt to sexually satisfy men, not women. Women don't sit around all day being horny; it takes patient work to make them hot. Women aren't ready for sex right after you kiss them, even though you are. Women usually don't enjoy stripping or performing fellatio. Women don't even want sex. Women want foreplay, the one thing that porn doesn't tend to emphasize. You're getting closer to reality if you watch a lesbian video and skip all of the dildo stuff.

The secret of being a fantastic lover can be summed up in one phrase: Your goal is not to lay her; it is to make her want to lay YOU. Read this document, and you'll learn how to do just that.


How her mind works.
The date; the kiss.
Foreplay, the woman's favorite.
Yeah buddy.
The breakup.

These must be read in order to make any sense.


This is the sort of in-depth resource that would be eligible for a bestselling how-to book. But I don't want to sell it. I want to give it to the world, to make men everywhere more knowledgable of a woman's needs; to give the women of the world the greatest sex they've ever had.

Never, ever tell a female that you've read this document. She'll assume that you consider her a textbook female, and that you're just operating "by the book." Every female needs to feel uniquely special; your responsibility as her lover is to make her feel that way.

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