Authorized Dealer For...

also known as "Buddy"...

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New! Swap Meet! Buy, sell, trade!

My interests are:


My Favorite Bike Links

America's Heartbeat!

Come on and pull up a brew and let me tell you what I do...

Pssst!, click on the well.

Some of our ramblings...

Sometimes the old lady even quilts, HD, of course..., that was before the computer!

This is Shellti....one of our best friends...

Through here to Shellti's Page...

uh oh, almost forgot...her other half, "Big Moe"

front & center

Shriners Ride So Childern Can Walk


In Memory Of My Father...And Of Those Who Cruise The Highway On A Different Level Now Than We Do...Your Spirits Will Always Ride With Us...

Click button to go to Memories page

Proud to be an American and a Veteran......

Click button to go to Freedom page

But very concerned about the direction our country is headed in.....Under Construction

There's only one way to take it...

From my cold, dead fingers...

My Gun Links Coming Soon, soon as old lady gets back from parade :-(

A Jewish Dude With A Conservative Attitude

uSA Flag Flying Upside Down Public Law 829 (77th Congress) Sec. 4(a) :
"The flag should never be displayed with the union down

uSA Flag Flying Upside Down

Play with Us


Ya'll Come Back Now, Ya'hear

Net Detective

Motor Cycle LinksMotor Cycle Links
Motor Cycle Links

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook! Dreambook

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Created by Pamela Anderson

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Buddy's Hawg Parlor is an Authorized Dealer of MID-USA products and is not associated with MID-USA other than as an Authorized Dealer. Copyrighted photos and text are reprinted with permission of MID-USA Cycle Parts, Inc.

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