1998 Race Recaps

August 30th. OK. I am finally back full time. WooHoo. And just in time. Superpunk has started to get on my nerves real bad. Now that I have the twins in their own room, I will be able to update the page quicker.
Now as far as the circuit goes, here is the deal. Jeff is just on fire. He has won five of the last six races. That is an amazing feat. And one of them, I think it was Watkins Glen, was actually mostly because of his driving skills. But here is the kicker. He cannot shake Mark Martin. Mark just won't go away. And Jeffie can't continue this pace. He is looking over his shoulder everyday. That is the good news. The bad news is this shmuck just keeps racking up win after win after win. 200 doesn't look that unattainable anymore does it?
Well, let's not go down that street until we have to. As far as now, we have this. Mark is within striking distance and we are headed to Darlington. No better place to start the down swing. Cya next week. Prompt again.

August 29th. Finally, I have a reason to write again. Jeff did not win. I repeat, Jeff did not win. And Mark actually picked up 30 points in the standings. I think it is amazing that he is still this close. One slipup from wonderfreak and we could have a new leader. Maybe this week at NH. Although Jeff runs good here. (He won the pole yesterday, by the way.)

August 11th. This is getting ugly. Atleast Martin is actually hanging with the wonder mite. I must admit, however much it pains me to do so, that Gordon ran a good race. That double pass was pretty sweet. The thing that made me laugh was that his pit crew actually had a normal time pitstop, not one of the stops where they pick up 5 seconds for Jeff, and everybody acts like they let him down. Come on. These guys carry him every week and it's not like they ran a 25 second stop. The time wasn't that much off of everyone else's. But when you are used to being given the lead in every pit. Then you gotta complain. Oh well. Thats as close to a complement as I can give Jeff. Cya next week. Hopefully I won't be writing about 4 in a row.

August 10th. Ok. Ok. Stop writing and complaining. Here is the recap you've been missing. It didn't really matter anyway did it? I get a little busy and don't do the recaps and Jeff wins two in a row. Nothing really to write about. No whining from Jeff. Why would you whine when you are winning? I will truly try to keep up with the recaps from now on. Hopefully I can get today's recap done right after the race. Maybe Jeff will go out early and I can do it DURING the race. Thanks for all the email. I do read it all. Just kinda busy to reply to all of it right now.

July 14th. Now I might be a little hard on Jeff from week to week, but there isn't anybody out there that can argue that this guy is not a cry baby. He admits that nobody could have run with Burton on Sunday but that the lapped traffic had it in for him and cost him 5 to 6 seconds. Give me a break. He picked up one to two seconds per pitstop on the leader. He just didn't have a super car and because of that, he was just an average driver. Martin slid past him in the last couple of laps and that just burned him up. I think I could actually leave this guy alone if he would just not whine for one race. One race that he doesn't win that is. Cause you never here him bawling when he wins. Lap traffic isn't a problem when your crew wins the race for you is it, big boy??
By the way, congrats to Jeff Burton.

July 2nd. Again, I am late this week. But what did I have to look forward to?? Telling you that punk boy is back atop the points lead? Boy that makes me feel great. Can't complain too much about his performance in the race. He missed a couple of incidents that I was hoping he would find a way into. Oh well. Jeff got the victory, the points lead and precious air time with the wife so all is well in America. And if I had not waited this long to write my recap, then I would not be able to tell you that the Pepsi 400 this week has been postponed due to the fires in Florida. Cya. br>

June 25th. Sorry I'm late this week. Nothing exciting to tell and I've been busy. I thought the weasel was going to pass Jeremy and ruin his day, but fortunately it was not to be. Thank goodness. Jeff had an average race for Jeff. Although he did win another pole, and actually that has been about average for him too. So I'm sure if he doesn't win one this week we will have to hear how somebody cheated something.
I was just looking back at my recaps and I noticed Jeff hasn't won in the month of June. Now there is something to be happy about. Just when I thought this recap would be about nothing. O.K. Next up is a road race, can't tell you how much I despise them, but hopefully I will be quicker on the update. Cya.

June 15th. Now people are throwing stuff at Jeff?? Come on. I admit he was dominating the race before the caution, but now the conspiracy theories come out. Who was it? Jimmy Spencer in the dining room with a roll bar? This is better than the soaps. And how about Rusty. Boy I'm glad I never pissed him off. I guess Earnhardt is regretting all the times he tangled with Mr. Wallace.
Back to Gordon. Ol Jeff finished third and moved into second in the points. He is only 26 points back, but it is to a kid that has never won a race. I am just sure that has got to be killing him. And he still hasn't won Michigan. Aw shucks. This week Pocono. See ya then.

June 7th. Where do I start? I mean this is the same guy who will stand in the middle of a friggin tornado if he has won and somebody will stick a camera in his face. Ohhh but not last nite. Let something go wrong, or somebody return the favor, (don't tell me you have forgotten Bristol) and he turns into what I hope my 2 year old never does. A big sissy. Wow. I don't think he could have walked any faster away from the ESPN guy. I was almost embarrased by his behavior and I can't stand the guy. Image what his fans were thinking.
And speaking of his fans. Boy were they loud. I haven't heard that much cheering since the Superbowl. I think it is all starting to get to weasel boy. Good.
And how about Texas Terry knocking Dale Jarrett out of the way. I was impressed by DJ bumping him on the cool down lap. I didn't think he had any nuts at all. Atleast he showed some emotion.
Now the points race is looking really wild. The top 6 all seperated by 93 points. The young Mayfield back atop the pile and the top 10 all within 338 points. It's gonna be a great season. Jeff dropped to third but is only 46 points back. I cannot wait for RPM tonite to hear the quotes from these guys. It should be great. Cya in a week.

June 2nd. It's all about the gas mileage. HaHa. Personally I was hoping Jarrett would run out of gas. Only because I wanted Burton to win. This seems like once when the super quick pit stops of the Rainbow Warriors might have done themselves in. Had they been in the pits a little longer, they might have been able to get just a little more gas in the tank. Who knows?
The loss didn't hurt Jeff in the points. He actually increased his lead. This week we go to Richmond.

May 25th. It's been a crazy two weeks down in Charlotte. First, Jeff screws up a restart which leads to him running out of gas on the last lap. (Man i just rolled listening to that). Next, he oversleeps and his good buddy, Terry Labonte, wrecks his car in practice. (With friends like that, who needs enemies). So everything is looking good and Wonderfreak goes and wins the damn 600 again. What kind of justice is that.
I was watching the race with some non-Nascar watching individuals and trying to explain why he wins so much. I told them that his crew is responsible for 90% of his good fortune and sure enough, they won the race for him. You just cannot consistently beat teams by 1 to 2 seconds in the pits and NOT win races. Just cannot happen. Unless maybe you are Ward Burton.
Man I am a huge fan of Jeff Burton's and I try to root for Ward too, but he needs like 50 lap races because he just doesn't have any luck after that point in a race. Maybe he should switch over to drag racing.
O.K. Next week in Dover. I suppose we just have to move on now. Jeff is back atop the Winston Cup Points standings and is running well lately. Unfortunately the gas fiasco will probably motivate his damn pit crew to be even that much better. Just give my guy that damn crew for a season. Just one season. Oh well.

May 6th. Poor old Rusty. He had a good car but just couldn't make it. Jeff led a lap to get the five point bonus and posted his 2nd straight top 5 finish (4th) and his third straight top 10. He had unfortunately made it to third in the points standings, only 47 back of young impressive Jeremy Mayfield.

April 28th. Nobody could hang with Bobby Labonte, but Jeff managed a top 5 finish. Second week in a row there has been a pretty dominate car. But he is staying close with two top 10 finishes in a row.

April 20th. Not too bad a day for Jeff. He started toward the front, challenged for the lead for most of the day, got the points for leading a lap and slipped back to a 7th place finish. He had a strong car but was no match for Bobby Hamilton. (Obviously nobody was).

April 15th. Sorry so late with this recap. Been out of town. Ole Gordo got caught up in the second lap accident and came out later and limped up a couple spots to earn some more points. I'd be alot happier had my guy taken advantage of this and had a good finish but that was not to be. But I can't complain because after two good finishes we will take anything we can get. This week Martinsville.

March 30th. March did not go out on a good note. Jeff won for the second time of the season yesterday and moved into third place in the standings. It was in usual Gordon fashion, hang around and pull off a nice pit stop at the right time for the win. Atleast he didn't bump anybody out of the way for the win this time, although it would have been sweet justice to see somebody knock him out of the way this time. But his teammate was behind him, so that wasn't going to happen.

March 23rd. I knew I was getting spoiled. But now we have some more reasons to hate the Boy Wonder. He almost gave us lots of reasons. I thought he was going to knock Jarrett out of the way, but they seem to have some sort of bond which I don't understand. Kind of weird. I still remember Jarrett almost giving Gordo the Million bucks last year. But thats another story.
Yesterday Jeff started in the back and made his way to the front as usually. Then he had one of the best cars at the end. Nothing different from his normal. But I was getting REAL used to his middle of the pack finishes the last two weeks. He has now moved up to 4th in the standings. Lets just hope that he will revert back to his performances of the previous two weeks. And soon!!! Bristol is not always his friend. Come on Geoff Bodine. Hehe.

March 9th. HAHAHA. I think I'm getting spoiled. Two weeks in a row that Wondermunch hasn't done anything. I didn't get to watch this one, so I don't know how the t.v. coverage of him was. But on the radio, he was barely mentioned. Is the cover boy washed up?? He has fallen to 8th in the standings and they didn't go to him for a post-race interview. Thank goodness. I'm not sure I can take all this good news every week. Well, yea I probably can.

March 2nd. This is the kind of race we'd all like to see form Gordon every week. Except for the time when he short pitted and got to the front, we didn't have to see him and hardly had to hear about him. This was just an average driver in an average car and he had an average day. Now if we could just talk the boys at the shop into preparing a car like that every week, we'd be set. It just shows that without a great setup, he is just a regular shmuck. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

February 23rd.So much for the good start to the season. Even yesterdays race looked good for a while but then Wonderfreak's crew put it together and gave him a sweet car to win it. There was ample opportunity for him to screw it up but he found a way not to do so. Just think, he still has one less win than at this point last year.

February 16th. I suppose we can say that we are off on a good foot. He did not win. He did not even finish in the top 10. All around a good week in Daytona. No victories at all for young Jeff and we got to hear him cry once. I expected more tears yesterday but he must have been all cried out. Lucky for us. Hopefully we will be as fortunate every week.

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