Bav's New Engine. The Story of the Film Thusfar.

I didn't get a picture of the oil clouds, but that would have been a good starting point. Here we go...

On a cold day in December 1997, it's Out With the Old... Now THAT's a dirty timing cover.

Pull it to bits. No hope for this one. Bores and pistons are shot.

So I obtain: An '86 535i complete engine with 96K miles on it, new Deves piston rings, con-rod and main bearings, oil pump, oil pump chain & sprocket, timing tensioner spring/guide/tensioner, Metric Mechanic sport cam with dual progressively-wound valve springs, valve keepers & teflon seals, rocker arms, variable cam sprocket, electric fuel pump + filter/regulator, Metric Mechanic short shift kit, K&N air filters, 75-degC thermostat, electric chokes, Pertronix breakerless ignition, clutch & throw-out bearing, various new bolts, plugs/cap/rotor, pilot bearing, motor & transmission mounts, upper & lower gasket sets, oil pressure switch, and some paint.

After a bit of fiddling, this is what I got:

Meanwhile, attention turned to the rust-bucket Bav itself. Time for a new driver's frame rail That's the new one on the floor. The second picture is the half-way point. Out with the old. The new awaits..

And then to the engine bay. Out with all that lousy air conditioning stuff, and time for a LOT of cleaning, masking, and a bit of painting....

The original-BMW upper firewall insulation just arrived, and didn't make it to the pictures. The battery has now migrated to under the back seat.

OK. Feb 27, 1998. Find a shoehorn, it's time...

And then the help arrived....

Situate the fuel pump. That's primer, NOT rust, OK!

March 5. Turn the key and.......................

VOOM. Note that the fan is turning! These photos were taken on it's inaugral 25-minute run, before retorquing the head bolts. This engine had been STARTED but NEVER STOPPED. How often do you see that? The photographer was grinning inanely.

C'mon, Dad. Let's go ring this old beater out!

BMW Links:

Gerald's personal car page -The index of the B-FILES - Senior Six Home - Kelly Holsten's Bavaria Page.