If you are looking for DeTomaso Items to purchase, see note at the bottom of this page.

Miniature Panteras that I have Collected

Mebetoys Pantera

Orang and Black / Yellow and Black

Slot Car Panteras

TycoPro "White Boots" / TCR Jam Car

Micro Machine Panteras

Actually just Very small Panteras

Matchbox Panteras

Click on the image for a larger view
These are the rare/hard to find matchbox cars

These are the common matchbox cars

These are the Matchbox Boxes with Panteras on them

Tomica/Buby/Hot Wheel Pullback Panteras

Misc (1/61) / Slot Car body (1/32) / Red Champion (1/20)

Norev(2) / Diapet / Shinsei(bad shape) / Solido Mangusta

Viewers of this page since Feb 23, 1998

I do not sell Pantera Items. If you are looking for items to buy, contact:

Jim Demmick Email: dtomasocat@aol.com

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