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We've Moved! We've reorganized the club and are in the process of creating the new web site. Since a lot of work went in to this site, it will remain as it is for reference. All new information and current club announcements will be made at our new domain - Panzertractors.com! Click on the following link to go to the new site! www.panzertractors.com Thanks! - Bill (November 15, 2003)


Most Panzer garden tractors can be identified by their narrowed automotive rear axles.  These axles, along with clever yet basic construction techniques, makes for a tractor that will out-last us all.   Different models carry the names CoPar Panzer, Panzer, Pennsylvania, Meteor and Penn 88.  Enjoy this web site and all of it's information, and please spread the word to others who may have been collected by these tractors.

Our Mission

To encourage the preservation and restoration of Panzer tractors. To share information and provide sources for replacement parts.

Joining the Club

Please contact Greg Edwards at info@panzertractors.com for club membership information. Club membership  includes: A club membership card; access to the Panzer Library; Panzer Power Newsletters that include Classifieds For Sale or Wanted, Show information, a Question and Response column, literature, restoration tips and much more!  Better yet, you will have contact with hundreds of Panzer owners and enthusiasts throughout the world.

You can email us (see address below) and we will email you the file.  Let us know what format you'd like it in (.pdf is our preferred format). If you'd like a hardcopy, send an SASE to the address below.


Contact Information

Postal address
Electronic mail
Please see the new web site for current email contacts - www.panzertractors.com.




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Copyright © 2000 Panzer Tractor Owners Club
Last modified: November 19, 2001