1380 Turbo intercooler

Photo of my Clubman

This car started its life as a normal 1971 Mini Clubman 1000 cc. I bought it about 10 years ago as a rolling project. First it was fixed, painted and updated to 1275 cc engine complete with 8,4" discs. This was satisfactory only for some years. Next step included some serious mods in engine room: 1380 cc engine with Omegas, MD 286 cam, big valve head, LCB, twin 1,5" SU´s etc. Turbo vented discs were fitted just for fun, simply because I managed to buy new brakes cheaply. Gearbox was checked and fitted with 3,21:1 diff. Pretty fast at that time or that´s what I thought..

Enter turbo: ERA Turbo caused real pains because it was the ultimate performance Mini. But, last minis were imported to Finland circa 1980 and importing new Minis or ERAs was simply impossible due to high tax. Price of an ERA would have been close to 24000 UKP. In mid 90´s Finnish legislation changed and add-on turbos were again allowed. This gave a good reason to yet again uprate my engine spec: now with turbo and intercooling.

Mini Turbo - Engine assembly Mini Turbo - Problems Mini Turbo - Rolling road reports Mini Turbo - Dellorto carb Mini Turbo - Body modifications
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Updated August 6 2001.