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Welcome to

Kampin Kirk's 


!!! ENJOY !!!


Thursday, May 18, 2006

 My name is Braxton Craft. I live in Pamplico SC. I own two FXR's..."Zelda" a 1985 that I have had since 1992 and currently has 115,000 miles on the clock. In November of 2005 I bought a 1999 FXR2, I named her Big "Z"...She is the red bike in the picture to the right. You might have guessed that I am partial to FXR''re right :-)

   I enjoy riding in general, however, I really enjoy taking camping trips on on my motorcycle. Thanks to my wonderful wife Anne, I get to take overnight trips often and several lengthy trips each year. I have included links to motorcycle/motorcycle friendly campgrounds, camping tips and sites to research and purchase camping gear among other links to motorcycle related sites. I hope that you enjoy my pages, save this page and check back regularly as I am continuously updating this page. 

E-mail: Kirk

My Motorcycle "Zelda" and Bushtec trailer in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina

Now...this is living at it's best
"Z" and Bushtec Turbo 2 set up for night at Shaw AFB,SC