CaddyGTI: your son wanted to call you this evening
GuinnessGddss: where is he at now?
CaddyGTI: Just dropped him off at yer moms at 8ish I let him play hookey today he came to work with me
GuinnessGddss: hookey? from school????
CaddyGTI: yes ma'am
GuinnessGddss: PLEASE, PLEASE.... don't let him do that
GuinnessGddss: he needs to learn that school is NOT an option
GuinnessGddss: he gets too used to people letting him get out early or skip
GuinnessGddss: then expects it and whines about going
CaddyGTI: yeah I know but i enjoy having him around during the day so it was a treat for me too, lol
GuinnessGddss: well, don't let it get to be a habit
GuinnessGddss: don't give in to him either.... he 's got that puppy dog look down goooood
CaddyGTI: I dont have time to make a habbit out of it
CaddyGTI: im pretty strict
CaddyGTI: but i mostly just dee him for an hour or so before i put him to bed and then drop him off at school in the am
CaddyGTI: his bean and yer ma are the ones that deal woith him most
GuinnessGddss: I know.... and they spoil the heck out of him!!! lol
CaddyGTI: thats o thats what grandmas ae for
CaddyGTI: he just happens to be being raised by them so hes spoiled all the time ;-)
GuinnessGddss: well.... let them spoil for now, it'll be a big change once he gets out here though!
CaddyGTI: yeah? why's that
GuinnessGddss: because his Mama wears combat boots!
CaddyGTI: oh yeah, thats true, you were always a pushover before tho, same as me
CaddyGTI: navy schooling will whip his ass into shape
CaddyGTI: he'll be coming in for his weeks time with me and ill be able to put hm to work carrying lumber
GuinnessGddss: he'll be calling everyone "Sir" and "Ma'am"
CaddyGTI: oh god
CaddyGTI: i know a few military brats
CaddyGTI: most of them are kinda weird
CaddyGTI: lol
GuinnessGddss: well.....
CaddyGTI: when you comin back for him?
GuinnessGddss: I don't have an exact date yet.... I am going to try to find out the military flight schedule and see if I can hop a MAC flight home for free
CaddyGTI: ooo.k. he goin back with you after x-mas
CaddyGTI: ?
GuinnessGddss: yeah, it won't be until after X-mas
CaddyGTI: yopur comin in for xmas/
GuinnessGddss: it's hard to fly home around the holidays too
GuinnessGddss: no.... I won't be home until after X-mas
CaddyGTI: oo.k. soooo....I can have josh on x-mas?
GuinnessGddss: Josh is going to your Ma's on X-mas day
CaddyGTI: no
GuinnessGddss: he's going with my parents X-mas Eve
CaddyGTI: ok t hat'll work
GuinnessGddss: no?
CaddyGTI: oh
CaddyGTI: why?
GuinnessGddss: what was the no
GuinnessGddss: GuinnessGddss: Josh is going to your Ma's on X-mas day
CaddyGTI: no
CaddyGTI: I cant read
GuinnessGddss: oh..... ok
CaddyGTI: can I take him late xmas eve so i can do the wake up to santa thing?
GuinnessGddss: Well, he's already got plans.... I mad arrangements before we even moved
CaddyGTI: with me?
GuinnessGddss: I'm trying to keep everyone as happy as I possibly can
GuinnessGddss: no.... we don't have a holiday arrangement
CaddyGTI: yeah all that we have is a pay arrangement
GuinnessGddss: yeah..... well, there's an even better arrangement I'd LOVE to make with you....
CaddyGTI: oh yeah whatsthat?
GuinnessGddss: and it'd absolve you of your Child support debt too....
GuinnessGddss: but I doubt you'd ever agree to that anyway
CaddyGTI: Sure I'd agree to full custody and recieving support from you, no sweat
CaddyGTI: so there! lol
GuinnessGddss: yeah, well, that wasn't what I had in mibnd
GuinnessGddss: ass
CaddyGTI: I am aware of that but what you said is every bit as ridiculous as what i said
CaddyGTI: ass?
CaddyGTI: nice
CaddyGTI: youve matured in the past few months
GuinnessGddss: well.... I'm tired of pretending like you give a damn or feeling sorry for you
CaddyGTI: like I give damn?
GuinnessGddss: can't WAIT to come get Josh!!!
GuinnessGddss: listen.... I have NOT had a good day today.... got some pretty bad news, and I'm sorry if I am taking it out on you
CaddyGTI: cant wait either
CaddyGTI: good night
GuinnessGddss: just hearing Josh played hookey didn't get the conversation off right
GuinnessGddss: that's really responsible and mature too.....
CaddyGTI: just knowing hes leaving pisses me off too but i dont act like a cunt
GuinnessGddss: hey.... you reap what you sow...
CaddyGTI: yeah tell me about it
CaddyGTI: should be used to it after all these years
CaddyGTI: i'm signin off now before this gets uglier
CaddyGTI: good noight
GuinnessGddss is away at 10:53:29 PM.