Central Arkansas Pickups

The Central Arkansas Pickups Club publishes a monthly newsletter to keep our members and associate members, as well as others clubs up to date on club activities and functions.  Members who have anything they would like to submit to the newsletter are strongly encouraged to do so:  How-to’s, cartoons, drawings, editorials, jokes, technical information, articles, or anything of interest to the club and their members.  These articles may be submitted at a club meeting or mailed to:  Jannett Williams, 903 College St., Kensett, AR  72082        Or email us at  markw@ipa.net

Correspondence, such as dues, flyers, newsletters, etc., should be mailed to the above address.

Central Arkansas Pickups 2000 Club Officers
President: Eddie Pipkin
Vice President: Bud Kelso
Secretary: Jannett Williams
Treasurer: Robin Pipkin
Historian: Vern Gobble
Photographer: Sherry Jones
Sergent-at-Arms Randy Tokarz
Lee Jones

Club meetings are usually held on the first weekend of each month at a designated  time and location specified in the newsletter.   The exact day and time of each meeting may change monthly according to the host’s schedule.

Club Dues:

Full Membership is $7.50 to join and then $2.50 monthly
Associate Membership is $12.00 annually

Click Here to fill out Membership Application

Club jackets, t-shirts,  and hats are ordered periodically for club members and others.  If interested, please contact the President so that you can be included in the next order.

Advertising by non-members or businesses is available in the following costs and sizes:

 Business Card Size $12.00 yearly
 1/4 Page Size $24.00 yearly
 1/2 Page Size $48.00 yearly
 Full Page Size $96.00 yearly

Home      Address Book
Club Info      Announcements
For Sale      Club Links
Members Trucks