Some pictures of our 2nd meeting
(Club Birthday)
Allen Hecht's wife Sandra slaved over the stove
bake this beautiful and delicious cake. It was
a great
dessert for the few of us that had Italian for
My wife Kris took this shot from the side view
on the way toTanglewood. ( It was my idea though).
Notice the matching balloons!! ( They were Larry's
The side shot of our D's.
The back of our D's. What cool balloons!!
And, last but certainly not least, our
(left to right, Kris Streetman - 6 1/2 mo. pregnant,
Kate Winkler and Sandra Hecht)
Thanks for putting up with our obsession!!
Notice that we got them to wear the DOC hats!!
(There will be some big Honey-Do lists for this