: I hope you can appreciate the extraordinary beauty of these
They are not only powerfull , fast and the result of world best engineering
, but also extremely nice.
Ducati & Ferrari : two legends made in Italy !!
All the pictures in these pages comes from Internet and from my
scans (with my new Canon ...WOW):
I spent hours in getting them and so if you want to use in
your site please write me and I'll add you in
my links-page.
If you think I have no right to show some photos , please write me at once and I'l do the right thing ...
If you have any criticism, suggestions or compliments (yes ... a lot!) to do : WRITE ME (if you haven't understood it yet).
I tried to make icons as small as possible : too often I found nice web sites but too slow to download , and I certainly can't afford to stay connected too long. If you have any advices in this way you are welcome (pictures too big ??Tell me!).
If you want some scanned pictures bigger (the FM signed),don't worry and write me : I'll re-scan them and send you with pleasure.
I developed these pages with MS Front Page 98 (a very usefull tool) and can be seen both with MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
Soon NEW photos will be added (as soon as I find them !)
And soon I'll add pages about me, what I like and other nice matters :-)
To reach me quickly write at zibidy@yahoo.com
or to or PAGES