Website of Kevin Loftus... About Me...


Name: Kevin Loftus

Age: Thirty something (I'm not shy about saying what my age is... I just don't want to feel obligated to update this part of my website every year)

Birthplace: Reedley, CA
Hometown: Ridgecrest, CA
Current Residence: Davis, CA... although I spend most of my time in the SF Bay Area

Occupation: Computerized Systems Validation Consultant... I evaluate and document computerized systems at pharmaceutical and medical device companies in terms of their compliance with FDA regulations for computerized systems such as 21 CFR part 11

Primary: St. Anne's School, Ridgecrest, CA
Intermediate: James Fenimore Cooper Intermediate School, McLean, VA and James Monroe Jr. High School, Ridgecrest CA
Secondary: Sherman E. Burroughs High School, Ridgecrest, CA
College: American River College, Sacramento, CA (A.A. Social Sciences)
University: University of California, Davis, Davis, CA (A.B. English)
Employment Experience: 6 years marketing research, 2 years educational technology, 7 years IT in pharmaceutical industry

Interests/Hobbies: Motorcycles (I have a few), my 1952 Studebaker Landcruiser, boats, sailing, red wines, tennis, travel, swing dancing, rockabilly music, RV camping

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