The MultiVital Clubman takes on Targa Tasmania 2000




This page links to the page for each day’s competition.




Targa Prologue and Day One

Targa Day Two

Targa Day Three

Targa Day Four

Targa Day Five

Targa Day Six



Successfully completing Targa Tasmania is a team effort.  The driver can only drive to what the navigator calls and to go really fast, he/she must be able to rely totally on those calls.  Additionally, the service crew keep the car performing throughout the event.  Their task involves working long hours and travelling long distances.  It means putting up with harsh and uncomfortable conditions, all for little recognition.  The following pages are a tribute to the effort of these people.


Fearless Navigator

Dedicated Service Crew



Motor sporting events like Targa Tasmania are expensive to enter and complete.  Most of us don’t have an open chequebook so sponsorship, when received, is most gratefully accepted.  I’ve been particularly fortunate to have the support of Greenridge Botanicals and its Whole Body Tonic product MultiVital as it’s a product from which I personally get great benefit.  As we age, it seems that we can’t always maintain the pace we did when we were younger.  Not only that, but physical recovery takes longer with more aches and pains along the way.  In the 2000 Targa we endured six long days of intense competition followed by vehicle servicing well into the night on many occasions.  We also sat in an open car in freezing rain for two days.  A twenty year old may take that sort of punishment in their stride but as a fifty-one year old I need some help.  And MultiVital provides the support I need.  Both my navigator John (who is considerably younger) and I used MultiVital prior to and during the event and felt no fatigue or ill effects.  It was also encouraging to receive comments from many spectators at the lunch breaks and overnight stops about the positive results they too have experienced with MultiVital and other Greenridge products.


Click on the pictures below to go to the Greenridge site or direct to the products page where MultiVital information can be found.