Culture in North Linthicum
As one who has his origins outside of the Glen Burnie cultural area life in North Linthicum has been much like an ethnological experience.
Hardly a resident in the community has roots here which go much
beyond 50 years. Most came from the city. Some pushed out of the local
neighborhood by lack of space others by the manefest destany we speak of
as white flight.
One thing is certain- those who came here knew a good thing
when they found it-few ever leave the community. Children
purchase houses round the block from their parents and when the parents
go they keep the family home right there- in the family.
As will all communities there are many sub groups many dimensions.
Perhaps it is the escape from the urban which is so pronounced here.
The good neighbor is a quiet neighbor with not much outward celebration
or noise. Once here people no longer had to follow the urban obligations.
They brought with them the car and could take their social lives outside
of the neighborhood. We have a nice quiet neighborhood.
But sometimes the quiet is deafening. Wouldn't it be good to import
a little social life into town?
Perhaps we could start with a grand block party! -you know the kind
with tables in the street, games for kids, covered dishes being brought
from neighbors kitchens, dancing, beer, crabs, corn on the cob boiled in
the huge pot. I can smell the celebration the sharing the wonder of having
something good on your own doorstep without having to drive or empty your
pockets of money!
Perhaps you could organize a block party through these pages! Use the
guestbook and the e.mail list. Get organized! Its not hard if everyone
does a part!-CB 1998
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