Meditations and Ruminations on the topic of...

Education in  General  in  North Linthicum

What do you think about our schools?
It is hoped that parents of school children can use this page and its communication tools to focus upon educational issues.
Join the e.mail list and discuss these important issues with your neighbors. Then bring your conclusions to the attention of the schools themselves.
You can also use these pages to get out important information such as school schedules and even ride sharing. Post the PTA minutes and let everyone know what is happening in the schools.
At no time in history have parents had a better tool for working with issues of education. Just use it! You can make a difference and .....its free!-CB 1998

Yes! We would like to include your two cents here! We hope you can
become a part of the main page!
Stop in at our guestbook and leave your message
or send them to us by way of e.mail. Be sure you let us know that you would like it to appear in our rumination window!