The Legend of North Linthicum!
What are the ancient tales of Ireland and Wales but musings and contemplations upon
the landscape? The mists, the hedges, the stones- the caves and shapes of the land all
provide stages and sets for the work of the storyteller. If we but look around we can also
find mystery and wonder in the landscape under our feet.
My daughter Margaret still takes us on a walk of mystery as she visits some of her favorite
statues and lawn wonders. The community does indeed possess a fairytale dimension.
I am collecting images of points of reference for this dimension in our community.
I call upon you to weave your own story and then send it in with permission to include
on this inset page for all to read. You can send it via e.mail, click here, or post it in the guest book.

Perhaps some day there will be a story cycle of North Linthicum! Give it a try!

Yes! We would like to include your  story here!  Give it a try! We hope you can
become a part of this inset page! Simply click here to go to our feedback section and write your thoughts  down in our guest book or send them to us by way of e.mail.