A Little About Us, & Our Crazy World!

Autobiography / "Big Ron" & "Lil' Teri"
A True Story.

This Was "Big Ron"
August 1999

This Is "Lil' Teri"
February / 2000

Last Updated
Happy 1st Birthday Jacaup!


------ Our names? Ron Wantuch, And Teresa Amorim. I (Ron) lived in Central Wisconsin. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I moved to Central Wisconsin About 18 years ago. Since then, all My children are raised, and on their own now. Sometimes it got pretty lonesome around here. I'm 52 yrs. old. I weighed 240 pounds, and I was 6 foot, one inch tall.. I was a sincere, honest, devoted, loving, man. I was usually too honest, and trusting, and always get hurt because of it. Life is too short for B.S. If you know what I mean?

Teresa was my Fianceé, My Soulmate, My Breath. We met on ICQ and fell in Love after just a few days. It was an incredible time for us. She was born, and rasied in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. She is divorced also, now. I've been married twice before, and divorced. My first Marriage lasted 12 years, My second, 18 years. I was engaged to Teresa, but she wanted us to give our relationship a rest? We were arguing about all the delays, broken promises, etc. connected to her Divorce. I also suspected that she didn't know exactly what she wanted anymore, in her life, so after a six month separation between us, we had to end our relationship, or destroy each other, completely. She also had a tremendous problem with "Communications". When we first started our relationship she said she knew that communication was Paramount to the survival of a relationship.
I guess she kept forgetting?

It was impossible to find an honest Woman, as sincere, & devoted as myself! A woman who would commit to me, for a lifetime! A woman that would Love me, as I Loved her! Unconditionally, forever! A woman who would keep me, forever #1, in all things, as I kept her.. A woman who could make a decision, and stick to it, without excuses... I never was the type of person, that was too concerned with "The Container", it is far more important what is inside their Hearts, Minds, and Souls! Teresa never understood that a persons' actions, spoke much louder then their words! I gave her my everything, but somehow, it wasn't enough...I even gave my life.

I worked for a large Paper Company in Central Wisconsin. I'm was a Professional Driver, by Trade (Clamp Truck Operator). I enjoyed fitness, hunting, Drag Racing, Hot Rods, Harley-Davidson's, Jack Daniels, Electric Guitars, & Good Music. I also enjoyed "Shooting Sports". I have enjoyed especially, the 1911 A-1 .45 Caliber Military type Handgun. In my opinion, it is the best of both worlds. It is reliable, and with tuning, extremely accurate. I enjoyed working on my new Computer, when it decided to let me do what I wanted to do. So far it's winning the battle. I'm not a quitter, so I'll win out eventually.

Ive worked at many professions in my lifetime. I was an Apartment Manager, an(Original)McDonald's Window Man (1961), Accountant, Machinist, Tool & Die Maker, a Maintenance Man, Electrician, Fork Truck Driver, Spray Painter, Drag Racer, Motorcycle freak, Gunsmith, Gun Dealer, Flexo Press Operator, Punch Press Operator, Bullard Multi-matic Operator, Carpenter, Fiancée, Lover, Husband, pain in the butt, Father, & Grandfather, not especially in that order. Which one of them was the toughest? I'm not able to say right now, they all have their good points, & bad points. More good, than bad, but still like a roller coaster. I'm of German, Austrian, & Polish heritage. What a combination! Oh my Goodness! You guessed it, I'm a stubborn Craftsman, with an attitude, Oh well, who said life was gonna be easy ??? LOL!

I'm Blessed, by God, in having (5) children, of which I'm very proud. From oldest to youngest are (1)Leslie: (2) Sherry: (3)Peter: (4) Susan: (5) & Anthony (Tony). The Kid's Pictures, and others, are included on the Photo Album Pages. They are all quite wonderful kids, If you like kids, LOL.

Leslie, Sherry, & Susan, are my Daughters. While Peter, & Anthony, are my Sons. At this point in time, Susan is the only one Married. 5/10/97. If you wish to read about her husband & herself, & my new Grandson, then click on the Link below.

(Sunday) September 27, 1998 at 10:40 a.m., will always be remembered as "The happiest day of my Life". That's the day I got to touch a "Piece of Heaven." Her Name was: Teresa Cristina dos Santos Amorim. She was sent to me, by God, from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 5482 miles away. We fell in Love on ICQ. It was what dreams, & fairy Tales are made of! Our First year together was Magic, Heaven for us... Our second year, was a roller coaster ride, many ups & downs, but "The Ride" was unbelievable. Many Adventures, Heartaches, and problems. We hoped our Love was strong enough to survive all the stress we were having, "True" enough! Teresa had too many problems to cope with, for too long a time, and, our relationship perished on 8-16-2000.......Why???
Teresa, we didn't have to end like that.

As of July 7th, 1999, I was made a Grandfather, for the first time.....WOW! His Name Is Master Jacaup Daniel Wantuch", and he is beautiful! (Update) On October 28, 1999 We were given another Grandchild, He is "Master Curtis James Krueger" Way to go Kevin & Sue! We are very Proud!

Leslie & Peter are children from my first marriage, while Sherry, Susan, & Anthony, are from my second. I have a Brother who also lives in Wisconsin. He owns the 1950 Merc 4 door "Lost in the 50's", that you will see on other pages here. It is also a consistent Show Winner. My brother is 1 year older than myself. He is married, and has (4) children. We own a Storage Company, together, in Westfield, Wisconsin (Springfield Storage Company). We had to re-build it from the ground up, but now it's holding its own.

My parents are still alive, and are both retired, in other words they have more time to see the Doctors now. Isn't old-age cruel? You work hard all your life, & then give most of it back to the Physicians. My Dad always told me "Life's a Bitch, then you die."

Well Today was a special Day for Me. (6/11/98)For the first time in years, I have heard from my 1st Son, Peter. We haven't communicated for years, because of a bitter Divorce. But yesterday he stopped into one of my Guestbooks & said "Hello". I am very pleased over here! "A journey of 1000 miles, Starts with the first step." My oldest Son is going to College & will graduate in the winter, of 1998. He's engaged to a very pretty girl, Named Carrie. They have plans to be married, & they're happy.

Life Is Crazy!.......It's A Bitch! The "Special People" that you'll find on these pages, are the people that make me Happy. Each one of them, in their own way, is very "Dear" to My heart. These are the people that I've met & Chatted with on the internet. Each is unique, in their own way. The others are Dear friends, or Relatives. Some are "Insane", All are Sincere! If you take the time to visit with them, (On the Photo Album Pages), You'll get a small sample of their Worlds. But, Remember.....Some Are Insane.....If you'd like to contact Me: My ICQ #28288385 Look for "Big Ron". Please stop by, and say hello!

When I have more time, I'll finish this rolling epilogue.
I know, you're confused now. Just go to the bottom of the page & push the "BACK" Button, & you'll go back, to where you came from, Honest!

Links to other sites on the Web

(Page 1) Back To Our Eternal Homepage / Click Here *

(Page 3) To View Our Show Cars / Click Here *

(Page 5) To See My Daughter, Her Husband, & My Grandson / Click Here *

(Page 6) To View the Awards I've Received / Click Here *

(Page 7) To View My Family & Friends Album / Click Here *

(Page 8) To View My Friends Album (Book-2) / Click Here *

(Page 9) To See Ron's "Piece Of Heaven" (Book-3) / Click Here *

(Page 9) To View My Holiday's Page / Click Here *

(Page 11) My Tribute To Marilyn Monroe / Click Here *

To Enter My Other World /Click Here *

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