Welcome to the DeLorean Sightings page. Here you can post and read where DeLoreans have been sighted in all media.

Luke Bodnar - 12/23/00 19:20:55
My URL:http://DontHaveOne.com
My Email:RonB757@home.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF Part 2
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: I Plan On it
Do you own a Delorean?: Hopefully With in a Month or Something
I Once saw a Delorean, when my friend told me that he saw one for sale on kerrydale Drive. Well, my dad and I went there to see how much it was, and it turned out that it wasn't for sale at all. But My god! Theres nothing like seeing your favorite car in real life for the first time! Although I felt like like a dumbass for knocking on the guys door, Just looking at the car while he was talking to us, put me at ease. So anyway we didn't get to open the doors or anything, but this is a Delorean Sighting that I will never forget.

Andy Lien - 12/20/00 04:54:41
My Email:Soma576@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: gone in 60 seconds
How old are you: 18
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 11596
hey all, i'm a college student who just recently took the plunge and now i'm 'living the dream!'. you only live once, and as JZD said, only the young truly appreciate sports cars! here are my sightings... 1. at ellingson car museum on I-94 just out of minneapolis. 2. at a sports car themed diner in the appalacians. 3. in my driveway!

Greg M. - 12/20/00 04:14:23
My Email:delorean66@yahoo.com
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: what is it?
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet
in the song "rock soldiers" by Ace Frehley (from KISS). i think he says something about a devil sitting in the passenger seat of a delorean or something like that. by the way, it's a pretty cool song.

Darryl - 12/02/00 05:41:34
My Email:DeLorean170@aol.com
How old are you: 16
Do you own a Delorean?: no :(
On Friday on the way home from school I saw one parked out on a driveway, what sucks thow its been there for a while and I haven't noticed it until today when soemone pointed it out, at least I got to see it.

david - 11/08/00 02:44:43
My URL:http://iwom.com
My Email:sealram
What is your favorite movie: BTTF + GB
How old are you: 19
Are you a member of the DML?: NO
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet but soon hope fully
i was waching mtv one day and i saw britney spears geting out of one at the VMAs this year. and then a few days ago on TRL i saw one go bye the windo.

Darryl - 10/21/00 17:03:11
My Email:DeLorean170@aol.com
How old are you: 16
Do you own a Delorean?: no:(
Yesterday on October 20th I was taking a driving class, as i was leaving school the instructor had me go to were the DMV was as we passed a small little street the instructor was telling me difernt things (the usual) and he said "Did you ever see one of t ose"? And i looked out to my left were an old little run down crapy little building was exspecting to see a junker, but then on the gril I saw DMC, there it was, I saw the front for a bout 2 sec. (allways happens when you see something you like) so I considered to be a sign of good luck sinice the night before i talk to a guy who is selling his, which I'm in the processes of hopefully getting.

Greg Maksudyan - 10/06/00 23:23:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/delorean66/
My Email:delorean66@yahoo.com
How old are you: 15
If so, what is the Vin number: i'll try to get it
There's an apartment building right across from my school. And there's a Delorean there with license plate "DLORYAN" It's very cool, i get to see it when i go to school. I get there early, so nobody is there, so i just look all around it, cause its the be t. And after 1st period is over, i go down the stairs and get to see the owner get in and drive away. Deloreans are the very best!!

Greg Maksudyan - 09/17/00 23:37:42
My Email:delorean66@yahoo.com
How old are you: 15
vermont ave. hollywood, ca, on friday sep. 15, waiting in line at the drive-thru, it passed by really fast, the D turned from vermont to sunset without stopping, really really fast. i hadn't seen one in a while, it was very exciting. everytime i see one, just like it more and more. deloreans rule!

Paul - 09/15/00 18:34:31
How old are you: 18
In a barn, 2 of them, a left hand drive and a right hand drive one, and in there was a spare chassis, 2 spare engines, 4 spare doors and some other delorean stuff my dad got from the factory when it closed, And he only paid $20000 for it because they were desperate to sell the stuff

John Dore - 09/08/00 20:59:34
My URL:http://dmcjohn.com
My Email:dmcjohn@hotmail.com
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: ya
Do you own a Delorean?: no
San Francisco, North Beach, on Columbus avenue, approx 1 week ago, I think the licence plate was something like 1BDG156. It was some Japanese dude driving it. Very nice suprise to see one cruising around!!!

Darryl - 09/06/00 19:22:46
My Email:DeLorean170@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: not shure
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: not yet
Do you own a Delorean?: as soon as I fond resonable insurence
on monday night on msnbc they had a special on summer break, I was watching and they showed a bunch of cars parked on the beach there was a red doge ram, vw jeta and then it was right between those two and some bikes was (going by the hood) a 1983 DMC-12, anyway thats all for now...

Greg - 08/23/00 06:53:06
My Email:delorean66@yahoo.com
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet
Sorry, too many entries. :) I saw one in Eerie Indiana. In the episode, the Delorean belongs to a director. There's a scene where Simon(the curly-haired dude, I think that's his name) is looking inside the Delorean right after it pulls up to him. Also, la er on in the show the main character is talking to someone on the phone and he mentions something about the Delorean. Ok, email for more. :)

Greg (me again) - 08/13/00 07:17:04
My Email:delorean66@yahoo.com
Here's a picture of one of the DeLoreans available for NFS3: Hot Pursuit. [Hopefully it's visible]v

Greg Maksudyan - 08/09/00 01:47:13
My Email:delorean66@yahoo.com
How old are you: 15
If anybody has Need for Speed 3 for PC, there are 3 Deloreans available to download and drive in the game. I tried it, and it's really cool! Go here: http://design.nfscheats.com/nfs3/cars.shtml and go to the page that has the cars starting with 'D'. Enjoy

Greg Maksudyan - 08/06/00 10:17:23
My Email:delorean66@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: anything that has a "Delorean"
How old are you: 15
Do you own a Delorean?: haven't lived the dream yet
One time i was with my mom and my brother, when we were headed to the gas station and across the street was a place for Smog Checks. And the Delorean was waiting in line. So, I ran over there and I made my mom wait about 45 minutes so I could sit in it fo about a minute. It was cool! If you have a question, email me please.

Darryl - 07/28/00 13:55:15
My Email:DeLorean170@aol.com
How old are you: 16
Do you own a Delorean?: no;(
in the game Need For Speed 4 High Stakes, I don't know how to put pics on web pages that well so you can check it out here and here http://www.nfscheats.com/nfsrage/hs/rdmc.htm http://www.nfscheats.com/nfsrage/hs/mypics/dmc_big.jpg I use this car all the time and i've been tring to get its racer version to work, the only problem it it dosn't have a DMC-12 interior it has some other cars.

Stephen Kness - 07/26/00 08:27:02
My Email:private
What is your favorite movie: BttF, Godzilla
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: After I get a D, I'll try to get the ML
Do you own a Delorean?: no, (Please god, let me say yes next time!)
When I was on vacation in New Mexico a few years ago, my Uncle took me to a mexican restaurant for dinner. It had an arcade racing game called Chase HQ. I'm not totaly sure, but I think it had a DeLorean as one of the cars. Next year they closed the resta rant, so I couldn't be sure, But, Chase HQ is on NES or SNES (I don't have either one), so you might even have a copy of it. Another time I was in New Mexico, I went to a theater to watch the american Godzilla movie. after the movie was over I went out to the parking lot and guess what I saw? You got it, a DMC-12. And the most recent one I saw is in a PC game called Zone Raiders. Its a fun game 'cause the D has no tires, it floats on air like the one in BttF 2. Jezz, you can tell I like DeLoreans, this is y 3rd report.

Carlos Matos - 06/18/00 20:24:54
My URL:dont have one
My Email:roachkilla360@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: gone in 60 seconds
How old are you: 12
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
well,I was one the way to a hospital one day at my moms job and I saw one in the drive way and I became excited and I came the next day and took pictures of it with my dad and then my grandmother brought me again to take more pictures and then when I came the last time it was'nt there, it was in the backyard and I havent been there ever since.But thats not the whole story.And just 2or3 days ago going to my moms job again I saw it on the road.Im pretty sure it was the same one that was in the yard>>>>FATHER DAY 6-18-2000

Darryl - 06/17/00 17:49:14
My Email:DELOREAN170@aol.com
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: nope
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet hopefully soon
last night on E! true hollywood stories, they had John Z. DeLorean on they should a little bit of the DMC-12, manily the prototype, it was pretty good, they really seemed not to try and bash DeLorean.

Stephen Kness - 06/14/00 04:20:06
What is your favorite movie: BttF
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: not yet
Do you own a Delorean?: sadly no, anyone selling?
If so, what is the Vin number: Tell you when I get it
In 2010: A space Odyssey. Right after Dave Bowman appears on his wifs TV screen, you can see a Sheridan Hotels ad with a woman getting out of the DeLorean's passenger door. You have to look fast to see it.

Grudzy - 05/28/00 18:56:37
My Email:grudzy69@excite.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: nope
Do you own a Delorean?: nope, but i want one
There is one displayed in the Biggest indoor speed karting circuit in UK at Warrington UK. If anyone wants to GIVE me a DeLorean feel free.

Ryan - 05/16/00 04:44:03
My Email:BOY1der18@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF I, II, III
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: yeah
Do you own a Delorean?: yuppers
If so, what is the Vin number: DD016888
In my garage, with the engine half taken apart (a dead waterpump, I believe). Once I get it up and running again I'll probably put the time machine cladding back on again. :-)

JR - 04/19/00 01:08:23
My URL:http://www.thinkzero.com
My Email:admin@thinkzero.com
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
The pastor at a church near my house owns one. I live in Birmingham, AL and this guy drives from Atlanta to Birmingham almost every weekend in his DeLorean to preach at his church. They say he's giving it to his daughter when she turns 16....I think I wou d go out with any chick in a DeLorean.

Darryl - 04/07/00 02:56:21
My Email:DeLorean170@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: any movie feturing a DMC and the Star wars movies....
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no not yet, I'm planning on owning one in about 2-3 months, I'm very optomistic.
If so, what is the Vin number: don't know yet
When i went to vist my grandmother at here new home in the country there was a DeLorean parked out side along with a bunch of scrap cars luckly the DeLorean looked to be in great condition and not to be scraped, i also saw one on the avanue(most likely th same one) near my home, I also just finished watching BTTFII and I think i saw a normal DMC-12 in the background, right when Marty holds on the back of the jeep in 2015 and Griffs freinds are chasing him, i'm pretty shure i saw one.

efren - 03/25/00 04:23:54
My Email:marty_mcflyjr@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: clerk's
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: i own a 83
If so, what is the Vin number: 16072
wow i saw a delorean in my back yard i think im the youngest delorean owner if theres any one my age here that owns a delorean (not there parents) but yours please email me oh and i once saw a parade when i was younger of about 100 deloreans in a row the where going to universal studios when back to the future the ride opened i was too young to remeber but my mom took a pic and she reminds me all the time the pics is so cool casue theres a littlle hill and all up the hill all u see is delreans as far as he eye can see ill try to email this pic to any one who wants it

Jeff - 02/24/00 00:19:11
My Email:Defense046@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF Trilogy
How old are you: 26
Are you a member of the DML?: Nopes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet =(
In Hawai'i, I live out here, and saw one parked nearby Hanauma Bay State Park. It was in decent condition, prolly the one that is currently being sold thru DMCNEWS

Fraser - 02/17/00 16:56:01
My Email:fcrenshaw@msn.com
How old are you: 18
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
If so, what is the Vin number: no
near corner of 3rd ave. and sunset St. in Longmont, CO

e.j.h. - 02/06/00 01:24:07
My Email:yoda_witha_soda@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: back to the future
How old are you: 14
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: no, but i plan on it
well, i was driving down maun street, looking out of the window. then my uncle said "look whats behind us". i looked, and sure enough, there was a DELOREAN. it sped up right beside us and stayed there for like 6 minutes. i was happy!!!!

Chris Hovden - 02/03/00 03:44:26
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future
How old are you: 21
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet...
In the fall of '98, our 50s themed McDonald's in Bismarck, N.D. had a DeLorean in their classic car display. I came out of the drive-thru and noticed the front end of a fairly familiar-looking car in the display. I did a couple of double-takes and learn d I was looking at a real DeLorean in real life. It was mint. The suspension was even lowered. I got out of my comparatively "lowly" Dodge Shadow and got a better look. One word, "Awesome." Every chance I had later, I went by the DMC-12 to just stare Then it was gone a couple of weeks later and was replaced by a '57 Chevy or some crap like that. The DeLorean is truly a classic car and deserved to be in a classic car display. It had Montana plates, so I'll probably never see another in person for a while. It was all good, anyway.

Joe Roberts (the one & only) - 01/31/00 20:03:45
My Email:joehr@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF of course
How old are you: 19 big ones
Are you a member of the DML?: not yet
Do you own a Delorean?: Not presently, but once I get rich & famous, I'll have a regular silver one, a gold one, a red one, a white one, a black one, and one of the remainders from the BTTF series
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A
STATE: NH (New Hampshire) -- TOWN: North Conway -- LOCATION: Green Granite Motel (GGM) next to the Mountain Valley Mall -- DESCRIPTION: About 4 or 5 years ago, I was riding in my parents car, and I happened to glance out the window at GGM. I saw a gold sports car in the parkinglot, and the door was opened up -- a gullwing door. I later realized that I just seen a gold DMC Del rean. Up until recently, I had no idea how rare these cars actually are, especially the gold ones. -- I have also noticed that in the video game Resident Evil 2 (the PC version at least), in the 2nd scenario, there is a silver Delorean parked on the stree in front of the Delicatessen. Further up the street, parked on the same side of the road, is what I believe to be the car from the Ghostbusters movie, before they converted it into the Ecto-1. There is a motorcycle on the ground in front of it. I thought it could just be a regular white station wagon, but hell, if they went far enough to put a Delorean in the game...

Erik Geerdink - 01/27/00 21:03:15
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/michdeloclub/main
How old are you: 19
Are you a member of the DML?: yes, for 4 years
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 4512
I saw mine in my garage this morning. But I saw my first Delorean when I was 13. I was skateboarding and one drove by. He reved his engine because he could tell I was excited by seeing it, then he took off like a bat out of hell.

Darryl - 01/27/00 01:40:01
My Email:DeLorean170@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: depends
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: still not yet
Just a few days ago when I was up at the movies and we pulled up next to and I was surprised to see it there, A little while from my home there was on that was in for I'm assuming to be fixed beacuase it was up on a lift, there also one in a carlot that was there for show, and it was in pretty good condition, that was some were in NJ

KC - 01/11/00 14:40:52
My Email:radrcer55@aol.com
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
Well I saw my first DeLorean at Elkhart Lake Wisconsin at Road America were you always see exotic cars, It was pretty surprising to see one. My Second DeLorean was not to far from where I Live in WillowSprings Ill

Stephen - 12/29/99 11:14:45
What is your favorite movie: BttF 1,2,3, Godzilla
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: I SURE AS HELL WILL!
If so, what is the Vin number: Don't know yet. Tell you when I get it.
I saw 1 in front of the Payson,AZ bowling ally, 2 at a classic car dealership in Scottsdale,AZ, and one in a stupid "high schoolers trying to lose their virginity" type movie called Hot Moves. You only get to see it for 2 seconds. The DMC and the T and A factor are the only reason to see this movie.

Brian M - 12/29/99 06:45:06
My URL:http://genesismac.cjb.net
My Email:genesismac@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future trilogy, the Matrix, U-Turn
How old are you: 15...
Are you a member of the DML?: Yup...
Do you own a Delorean?: Nope...
If so, what is the Vin number: n/a
Two or three years ago, I went to a car museum in northern Indiana... saw one there. It was in very good condition.. '99 Thanksgiving weekend, I was driving home with my mom. We were parked at an intersection. About 30 feet away,a dark shape pulled up. It was low-sloped, and had *that* distinctive shape. I finally recognized it as an actual DeLorean when it turned into the road we were on.. I saw its passenger door (you know, that little window...) and the car continued on ahead. Whoa. Also... I found a DeLorean 25% ahead in the game, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. It's parked at a gas station, with a cracked windshield, AND with an American flag draped over its back. Unfortunately it gets destroyed when the gas station explodes. And in the game Resident Evil 2 when you play the 2nd scenario, you'll find a DeLorean parked on the side of the main street you start on. It's not damaged, unlike the cars around it... Looks like the folks at Capcom (creators of the RE series) does have a thing for those stainless stee

Darryl - 12/10/99 02:53:13
My Email:Swoyerzone@aol.com
There is also one in South Park Rally for Nintendo 64

Darryl - 12/01/99 21:17:28
My Email:Swoyerzone@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: Star Wars and Back to the Future
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no:(
I saw a Delorean not far from whare i live for sale but its $16999 a little to much, I also saw one in a James Bond movie I think it was a view to kill i'm not shure but its in a small scene just after James Bond (played by Roger More) and a Bond girl escape an elevator shaft that was on fire Bond and his girl get a way in a fire engin an near an inter section thay drive threw a delorean can be sceen not far from it down on the lower right hand side of the tv screen. i've also sceen one in the simposons, rocky 3, the wedding singer,and a beverly hills cop movie.

Matt Bomberger - 11/29/99 15:30:59
My Email:Mbomberger@analysts.com
What is your favorite movie: Blade Runner
How old are you: 33
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: No
Pate Transportation Museum south of Ft. Worth, Texas. Vin #6129, grey interior, 5spd. with 57K miles. Needs to be refurbished. Interior is OK, just dirty. Car needs to be TLC'd.

Dan - 11/28/99 22:29:09
My Email:met4evr@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: anything wit a D
How old are you: 99
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
I OWN a D!! HAHA They are the best cars in the world!

Jan van de Wouw - 11/28/99 16:12:19
My URL:http://www.vdwouw.demon.nl
My Email:Jan@vdWouw.Demon.nl
What is your favorite movie: The Matrix
How old are you: 23
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet, but I will before I'm 25
My first "D" I saw 16 years ago in the "Autotron"; a car museum over here in the Netherlands. I know of one in Goirle, my hometown and there's one in Tilburg, a neighbour-town. The one in Goirle is also a Member of the DeLorean Club Netherlands , as am I. Furthermore offcourse I really like the BTTF-series and as my latest gullwing-model I've bought the Lego Technic Supercar (boxnr 8448), which can resemble a DeLorean quite well if you place the V8-block in the rear! Greetings from the Netherlands, JAN Think Different... Use a Mac... Live the Dream... Drive a DeLorean...

david - 11/24/99 21:05:28
My URL:http://here.com
My Email:david@here.com
What is your favorite movie: Take a guess. Back to the Future
How old are you: ?????
Are you a member of the DML?: Should I be?
Do you own a Delorean?: A picture, yes. The real car, some day
If so, what is the Vin number: ???
In Centralia, Washington, at a used car dealership. It was for sale, I was shiny red. The cost, $34,000 US dollars. Doah!!!!

Adam gonzales - 11/19/99 00:00:51
What is your favorite movie: B.T.TF 1
How old are you: 25
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: only 5 small scale ones. I hope someday!!
First time was at Universal Studios when you actually could get in the Time Machine Delorean and there was a long line and I would not get out of the seat. O'Well... my second was Here in Arizona one kicking but on the freeway. The third was at San Fran isco near my school on van ness st. near Bank of America. They all where awsome!!! Deloreans Rule!!!!! Adam....

Astaroth Gatsby - 11/13/99 03:50:37
What is your favorite movie: Chariots of Fire
How old are you: 23
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
Did you hear about the MSU riots? How they turned over a car and set it on fire? Do I have to tell you what kind of car it was? Shortly thereafter I left MSU. I just couldn't go there anymore.

Mike Pisano - 11/08/99 06:24:07
My Email:Mike2324@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: Dazed and Confused
How old are you: 19
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
I have only seen 2 Deloreans in person before, One was in the corner of Buick dealership showroom with a car cover on it in Hazlet N.J. The other time I was stopped at a light and one passed by me in Middletown N.J.

Steve - 10/18/99 09:08:32
My Email:S_henri @yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: B.T.T.F.#1
How old are you: 36years old
Are you a member of the DML?: N/A
Do you own a Delorean?: I Wish!
I seen a Delorean in Cambridge Ontario Canada on the corner of Frannklin Rd and old Hyway 8. It was in bad shape and the seller was asking too much for it, like 20 thousand.

ryan Miller - 10/15/99 14:19:16
My Email:Miller@e-town.zzn.com
What is your favorite movie: Bttf123,(45)?
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
If so, what is the Vin number: no
I was going to the State Fair In Kansas. On Highawy 96 Going north There was One Going south I only Caught a Glimpse But I love Deloreans So now I am Hooked for life!!!!!!!!!!!!

jp cubish - 09/23/99 01:20:53
What is your favorite movie: bttf1,2,3
How old are you: 23
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: yes 2
If so, what is the Vin number: 2178,2031
i saw one on a simpsons episode,beverly hills cop1 rocky 3,wedding singer,interstate 82,they had a biography on john z delorean on E!.i am in hawaii and if you go on www.dmcnews.com go to the deloreans for sale and you can see a picture of one in hawaii.the guys selling it for way to much 25,000 at that. the guys nuts really nuts. oh i olmost bought thay delorean from a dealler here but that cars a piece of crap it runs like crap.The cars got a bad engine but it runs.check it out you'll see. the car is really edgy.the deloreans i got are in mint. got them both from the original own r.i also own a 99 ferrai 550 merranelo,a lamborghini countach lp500 & a 97 mercedes benz 600sl v12.

Willie Mack - 09/15/99 02:20:58
My Email:wmack@vt.edu
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future and Rocky
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
Blacksburg Virginia...VIRGINIA TECH

Bob - 09/13/99 03:45:19
My Email:trains1937@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: 2001
How old are you: 62
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I should live so long
I live in Tucson, Arizona ahd have seen a Delorean on two occasions. It has been seen in the same general area but I am always going the wrong direction on a 6 lane road when it turns out of a side street on the other side. The look of the car is unmist keable, even at that distance.

Derek A...The Big D - 09/11/99 22:37:07
My URL:http://www.simtech.net/derek
My Email:derek@simtech.net
What is your favorite movie: Back to The Future 1st one
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I wish
New York, Long Island, in the town of Syosset, driving along Southwoods Rd. liscense plate bak2futr (at least thats what i last saw before he lost me)

chris - 09/04/99 17:50:14
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/pikachu50
My Email:chris3000@mail.com
What is your favorite movie: back to the future 1 2 3
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: NO
Do you own a Delorean?: I WISH!
well.. I seen a delorean around 10 years ago when I was five or 6.. but the memery of it is fadeing.

joe - 09/03/99 14:57:36
My Email:melvin55_17@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: none
How old are you: 18
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
If so, what is the Vin number: none
chinook montana owner is known but i will not tell you

christopher ross - 08/15/99 03:47:47
My Email:lolly@cybertours.com
What is your favorite movie: undecided
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: would like to be
Do you own a Delorean?: it is my ultimate goal
If so, what is the Vin number: boo-hoo-hoo
for a while there was a DMC-12 parked in front of a used car dealership on route 1, just before the five points intersection in Biddeford, Maine. there was also a warner bros cartoon, might have been "daffy duck's quackbusters",where daffy ended up as a elorean salesman. It was pretty cool to see hundreds of cartoon Deloreans, thought i was halucinating. hope to continue seeing more in the future.

christopher ross - 08/15/99 03:47:11
My Email:lolly@cybertours.com
What is your favorite movie: undecided
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: would like to be
Do you own a Delorean?: it is my ultimate goal
If so, what is the Vin number: boo-hoo-hoo
for a while there was a DMC-12 parked in front of a used car dealership on route 1, just before the five points intersection in Biddeford, Maine. there was also a warner bros cartoon, might have been "daffy duck's quackbusters",where daffy ended up as a elorean salesman. It was pretty cool to see hundreds of cartoon Deloreans, thought i was halucinating. hope to continue seeing more in the future.

James Teale - 08/10/99 17:04:06
My Email:pmorl@edmail.com
What is your favorite movie: The Empire Strikes Back
How old are you: 19
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I wish...
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A
Greetings from Northwest Indiana...a DeLorean has been sited at a downtown Valparaiso Shell station; I believe it was a DMC-12, though I'm no expert on automobilia. All I know is that its interior was being refurbished, it had licence plate with the word JIGWAT", and it looked to be in great condition.

Erik L. - 08/08/99 16:36:00
My URL:http://nexpoint-technologies.com
My Email:null_fusion@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: American History X
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: No
Hillendale Blvd, Dale City, Virginia, USA.

efren bernal - 06/28/99 19:00:22
My Email:marty_mcflyjr@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie: clerk's
How old are you: 16
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 16071
teah i seen a delorean rigth out side my window its an 83 delorean pretty cool

Matthew Vaughan - 06/12/99 04:28:11
My URL:http://users.bigpond.com/matthewv
My Email:matthewv@bigpond.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: Not Yet
There's an '81 (It's got a fuel filler in hood) LHD, Auto at the Birdwood Motor Museum in Adelaide South Australia, It's a bit hard to get close but I'll try and get the VIN number one day.

JESSE GIESEPPI - 06/11/99 09:09:34
My Email:ECE.@INFO
What is your favorite movie: N/A
How old are you: 22
Are you a member of the DML?: NO
Do you own a Delorean?: NO
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A

Michael Naughton and son Sean - 05/30/99 01:57:15
My Email:michaeln@ici.net
What is your favorite movie: Back to the future 1 and Sean likes back to future 2 the best
How old are you: 46 and 15
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: Looking
If so, what is the Vin number: no
Well me and my son love DeLoreans we look all around for them, but theres not alot of them in Rhonde Island. My son Sean and I saw one together in 1988 around June and I saw lots of them 82 and 83 . My son was watching a show called Erie Indiana and said here was a DeLorean on that show. If you know one who is selling one I would like to hear from them. I bought a Porsche in 1996 and been saving for a really good DeLorean. If you want to talk about DeLoreans or have info than e-mail me

Michael Naughton and son Sean - 05/30/99 01:56:44
My Email:michaeln@ici.net
What is your favorite movie: Back to the future 1 and Sean likes back to future 2 the best
How old are you: 46 and 15
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: Looking
If so, what is the Vin number: no
Well me and my son love DeLoreans we look all around for them, but theres not alot of them in Rhonde Island. My son Sean and I saw one together in 1988 around June and I saw lots of them 82 and 83 . My son was watching a show called Erie Indiana and said here was a DeLorean on that show. If you know one who is selling one I would like to hear from them. I bought a Porsche in 1996 and been saving for a really good DeLorean. If you want to talk about DeLoreans or have info than e-mail me

Michel Poulin - 05/19/99 15:48:58
My URL:http://www.poulincomm.com
My Email:mpoulin@poulincomm.com
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Resoring one w/ a friend
If so, what is the Vin number: 702
Besides that one that I'm helping restore, I've only seen one other DMC-12 in Indianapolis, Indiana in the past year. I was heading south bound 69 between exits 3 and 1 when a D flew past me on the left lane durring rush hour traffic. (17MAY99 17:08 aprox . Had indiana Enviro plates. I think the owner works for the same place I do as I've heard talk of a DMC-12 in the work parking-lot from time to time. (3000 cars in the lot makes it a little hard to just look around and spot your own car, never mind a De orean... ;)

JOhn Dore - 04/20/99 11:28:27
My URL:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~johndore
My Email:dmcjohn@hotmail.com
How old are you: 19
Are you a member of the DML?: yip!
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet
This TV ad thats showing now here in Ireland for doritos crisps has a DeLorean in it!!

efren - 04/12/99 07:24:38
My URL:http://geocities/sunsetstrip/6791/
How old are you: 17

Rick Winkler - 04/07/99 22:10:41
My URL:http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~rwinkler
My Email:rwinkler@eden.rutgers.edu
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet
I go to school at Rutgers University. I have seen two here in the last year. The first was one that was for sale on the lot of a gas station. It had a few small dents and was a 5 speed. The other one is one that I've seen twice this month. It is a painted DeLorean. It is two-tone. Black on top, and gold below, with DMC painted in gold on the fender, I think. It looks really cool. A first class paint job.

Chris - 03/27/99 05:34:19
My Email:AFPrep88@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1-2-3-4? of course
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet
I have seen a Delorean on the Toll Road in Florida passing my family going about 90-95 mph.(First Real Time sighting, I'm hooked.) I saw a Delorean on a trailer. I only saw the front of it, but could clearly read DMC. I saw one in front of a small house. Very much tempted to buy. Used to be on Prov-Neap-Swan road in between swanton Ohio and Grand rapids ohio. I have studied the car from the TV show of the 80's Mask, and it clearly isn't a Delorean, or a Bricklin. I bought a Original sales Brochure for t e car about a month ago. AND THANK PEOPLE MAGAZINE FOR NOTICING JOHN D. AND TELL US THAT HIS NEW CAR IS CALLED THE DII D2!

Rick - 03/10/99 02:42:06
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: Yes
I thought I might have seen one at the beginning of the 'Manhatten Project'...Just after the opening scene (at the end of the opening credits), sitting in the dark in a driveway. Could be mistaken, will have to confirm...I have my doubts since noone else (on this page) has picked up on it yet. Can anyone else confirm?

Wes Martin - 02/28/99 05:14:33
My Email:martins@ntr.net
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1, 2, and 3
How old are you: 14
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes with pride :)
Do you own a Delorean?: Nope, still asking the parents and BEGGING the grandparents :)
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A
Here in Louisville, KY at a small auto place called Louisville Motors. The D is long gone, I was driving by and it was pulling out. I knew it was a DeLorean because you could spot one a mile away :) Any DeLorean fans/owners in my area, e-mail me!

FIL VIGIL - 02/22/99 19:45:59
How old are you: 40
Do you own a Delorean?: YES
If so, what is the Vin number: 6232

Rich - 02/07/99 19:25:01
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1,2,3
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I'm still saving
I saw a D On Rt.6 in Danielson Ct. It was going about 80 mph. I also saw one on Rt.20 in Auburn Mass. It was at a crappy little gas station sitting next to a bunch of junk Dodge Omni's. What a shame.

mr.fussion - 02/02/99 22:29:11
My Email:v102trbo
What is your favorite movie: bttf 1,2,3
How old are you: 13
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: i so dearly want to say yes
this is sorta a update on my last entry ,ive found out that the game "carmageddon "which has a delorean is for computer.so now there going to release the same game on n64.so i cant wait

Evan - 01/18/99 20:19:41
My Email:n/a
What is your favorite movie: Pink Panther Movies
How old are you: 13
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
I just saw one on the corner of Gunn Rd. and Kern. Rd, in Lake Orion, MI. It was on a trailer, sitting on a driveway, and when we passed by again, it was gone. You can also see a DMC when you are going from Marine City, MI to Algonac, MI on South River Ro d. If you are heading to Algonac, there is a crummy white house with lots of bushes on the left side. There is a DMC either parked in the drive or on the grass.

mr.fussion - 01/15/99 22:17:02
My Email:v102trbo@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: bttf 1,2,3
How old are you: 13
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: i wish
i know this dude in alabama that has a delorean but hes trying to sell it

D.J. LaForge - 01/14/99 19:00:04
My Email:dj@woz.org
What is your favorite movie: The Lost Boys
How old are you: 27
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 07135
There is a brief shot of a DeLorean in the movie "Fraternity Vacation".

Richard Alexander - 01/05/99 22:13:37
My Email:rdalexander@prodigy.net
How old are you: 52
Are you a member of the DML?: NO
Do you own a Delorean?: NO
Perry, Ga. @a house on Ga. Hwy 11 (Macon Road)at the intersection of Hwy 341 ( North Perry By-pass) there is one for sale.

Keith Kerr - 12/09/98 05:11:21
My Email:No. But I live in Australia
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1, 2 and 3
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet
Well the first DeLorean I ever saw was in BTTF, then I saw one at my Dad's depot (Finemores Vehicle Transport) and I got to sit in it and go for a ride in it. The movies I've seen them in are BTTF 1 2 3, The Simpsons, Beverly Hills Cop 1 and a dumb Ameri an Football movie called Wolf Pack and in The Wedding Singer. There is also one in the Birdwood Motor Mueseum in Adelaide, Australia, and I know theres at least 5 D's in Oz. I think thats all I know.

Keith Kerr - 12/09/98 05:09:49
My Email:No. But I live in Australia
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1, 2 and 3
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet
Well the first DeLorean I ever saw was in BTTF, then I saw one at my Dad's depot (Finemores Vehicle Transport) and I got to sit in it and go for a ride in it. The movies I've seen them in are BTTF 1 2 3, The Simpsons, Beverly Hills Cop 1 and a dump Ameri an Football movie called Wolf Pack and in The Wedding Singer. There is also one in the Birdwood Motor Mueseum in Adelaide, Australia, and I know theres at least 5 D's in Oz. I think thats all I know.

David - 11/26/98 01:15:08
My Email:jdl@interax.com
What is your favorite movie: Citizen Kane (no DeLoreans back then)
How old are you: 30
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Yes
If so, what is the Vin number: November 81
Just got back from Lake Tahoe, California. Went to Reno for fun w/friends, and saw #16333 Lic 102 DLH Nevada in the entrance. Two rooms downstairs, one with great 80's music and one with 90's rock. Right on the strip, near the sign "biggest small city i the world" (or something corny like that). In addition to my own D, my neighbor has one right around the corner (here in Cleveland). Also, saw one a few weeks ago getting the a/c updated in Cleveland Heights. Thought, wow! Lots of D's here! Turns out it was Mike Substelny's.

- 11/10/98 10:46:52

Abe Swinnerton - 11/09/98 20:17:49
My Email:burn_43@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1-3
How old are you: 20 tomorrow
Are you a member of the DML?: no but want to be
Do you own a Delorean?: no but are planning to in around a year
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A
An advertisment for an up coming film called "The wedding singer" It's out 22 November, i think it is the main charactors car in the film.

Chris Vos - 11/08/98 14:22:46
My Email:ChrisDMC-12@gmx.net
What is your favorite movie: Seven
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 3146
I saw a D in Beverly Hills Cop 1. In the movie it was parkes in front of Victor Maitland's, the bad guy in the movie. You have to watch very closely, because you will see it only 2-3 seconds.

john - 11/03/98 22:56:56
My Email:jethead86@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1,2,3
How old are you: 12
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: if i could i would
i found a web-site with 20-30 deloreans. price range varies. e-mail me for info

Chris Vos - 10/30/98 12:46:46
My Email:ChrisDMC-12@gmx.net
What is your favorite movie: Blood in, Blood out
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: Yes
If so, what is the Vin number: VIN# 3146
Next to my house, I can see it right now from my room. I know you can see a lot of D's on the internet. I also know that here in Holland, that's were I live, are 50-100 D's. I have only met one owner in Holland through the internet.

Andrew M Prentis - 09/29/98 13:38:10
My Email:aprentis@rocketmail.com
What is your favorite movie: Terminator 2
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: No
For anyone living in Sydney, Australia: I saw a DeLorean at the Harris Street Motor Museum in Ultimo. I don't know if it is still there though. There is also a D in Beverly Hills Cop and in The Simpsons.

Miguel Sanchez - 09/25/98 09:08:44
My Email:Amtrak2Hel@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: C.H.U.D.
How old are you: 18
Are you a member of the DML?: Yup
Do you own a Delorean?: Nope. But I will kill to get one.
In Action Figure! The Life and Times of Doonsebury's Uncle Duke there is a section in which Duke, who is homeless and living in Malibu or something, attempts to sell the concept of a John DeLorean moview (post-tragedy). Check it out. Comes with neat actio figure.

Eric Beecher - 09/20/98 17:38:10
My URL:http://www.aol.com/
My Email:JBEECH@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: Halloween
How old are you: 13
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: NO but I plan to when I'm older!
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A
There is a comercial for Spin City Where Michael J. Fox and the cast get into a DeLorean time machine and time travel from Wendsday to Thursday. It is really cool!!!!

Kerry Fletcher - 09/18/98 19:12:50
My URL:http://www.webhome.idirect.com/`kerry
My Email:kerry@idirect.com
What is your favorite movie: Slapshot
How old are you: 21
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: No. Want to.
I saw a DeLorean at the corner of Bayview and Eglinton in Toronto. Actually it was tecnichally east York. It was in the Sunnybrook Plaza. I though it was the coolest car and the owner didn't even want to have it. What a waste.

mike - 09/09/98 15:32:25
My Email:mike45@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: bttf
How old are you: 25
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 1003
i see it in my driveway every day.

JOE - 09/09/98 15:26:19
What is your favorite movie: TITANIC
How old are you: 17
Do you own a Delorean?: NO

CHRIS STACY - 09/08/98 01:43:05
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1-2
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: NO
Do you own a Delorean?: NO I WISH

CHRIS STACY - 09/08/98 01:42:54
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1-2
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: NO
Do you own a Delorean?: NO I WISH

Matt Rengers - 08/29/98 08:25:32
My Email:amadeus39@netscape.net
What is your favorite movie: the fly
How old are you: 18
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
there is a guy RIGHT around the corner from me that has a black DMC. I have lived here for 2 years, and never seen it move, it has inch thick dust, wooden blocks behind the wheels, and a sheet over the glass, (to protect the interior?). I asked him why oesn't he just drive it around the corner once a month, he says the clutch went out, and they are too much of a pain to work on, I asked to buy it, but he can't bring himself to sell it he says. It brakes my heart to see it everyday as I pass to work, ju t rot away with its flat tires and all...sigh, i could love that machine. the guy's a moron, he's like 60..ugh.

Charles - 08/12/98 20:33:52
My Email:los316@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1 2 3
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
I saw a Delorean In A little town called Bridgeprt WV.I recognized it from about 300 yards away. I went to see if it was what I thought it was, and sure enough, I literally jumped out of the car to see it. It was sitting at an exxon waiting for reapairs. went in to ask the guy if it was for sale, but he broke my heart when he said no. It was the most beautiful sight that I have seen in my life, I want to own one and hopefully will some day. If anyone has one, email me, I will pay up to 20,000 for one. If you are wanting to sell one, drop me a line.

Charles - 08/12/98 20:33:33
My Email:los316@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1 2 3
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
I saw a Delorean In A little town called Bridgeprt WV.I recognized it from about 300 yards away. I went to see if it was what I thought it was, and sure enough, I literally jumped out of the car to see it. It was sitting at an exxon waiting for reapairs. went in to ask the guy if it was for sale, but he broke my heart when he said no. It was the most beautiful sight that I have seen in my life, I want to own one and hopefully will some day. If anyone has one, email me, I will pay up to 20,000 for one. If you are wanting to sell one, drop me a line.

DMC 12 - 07/30/98 14:55:43

Alexander Farfan - 07/30/98 03:13:12
My Email:Alex1334@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: Halloween
How old are you: 21
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: Hopefully by the end of this year
If so, what is the Vin number: I'm dying to find out
My friend owns one and has wrecked it about two times. First he backed up into a flatbed, nasty wreck but was repaired. Second, he scraped the passenger door really bad against a wall at a parking garage. The car is in perfect condition now and sitting in his driveway in Miami. When I get my own, I'll be sure to take great care of it unlike my friend. There is also a De Lorean for about 10 seconds in the movie "Fraternity Vacation" when the two guys are about to drive a Mercedes through a fence, the De Lorean is parked right next to them.

Jim Reeve -Ultra- - 07/28/98 04:28:13
My URL:http://www.isd.net/jpatrick/
My Email:ultra@isd.net
What is your favorite movie: Lots of stuff
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Soon
If so, what is the Vin number: hope to be high
In the Married with Children Episode where Al found his hidden shoes from the 70's, he was being intervied by a TV reporter. Al was naming things from the 60's and 80's and not the seventies. When he was naming stuff from the 80's, he said "The DeLorean .

Jim Reeve -Ultra- - 07/25/98 21:28:19
My URL:http://www.isd.net/jpatrick/
My Email:ultra@isd.net
What is your favorite movie: Blues Brothers
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not Yet
If so, what is the Vin number: Want it to be over 6158
I believe I saw one on the commercial for Road Rash 3D for Sony Play Station. And I also have seen one at a classic car dealership in Minneapolis, MN. Then there is the one from my previous entry here which is at Ellingson Car Museum in Rogers, MN. Go o my site to see my pictures of them.

Eric Beecher - 07/22/98 02:10:24
My URL:http://www.aol.com/
My Email:JBEECH@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: The Wedding Singer and Austin Powers!
How old are you: 13
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: No, But I plan on buy one when I'm older
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A
On the road when I was walking one zoomed passed me at 50 MPH!

Tom Watkins - 07/20/98 20:31:36
My Email:watbmv@megalink.net
How old are you: 37
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: Yes!!!!!! (this is my 2nd Delorean)
If so, what is the Vin number: 5732
Everyday in my barn!!! I have a Delorean Commercial loaded on my PC that I downloaded. I also worked on the Universal backlot during the time BTTF was being filmed. I have an actual set piece from the film (from the "COMPUVEND" machine underneath the T xaco Gas Station. I'm selling it if anyone is interested!!!

Adam - 07/20/98 19:56:12
My URL:Don't have one
My Email:adammichael@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1,2,3
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: We own 1, thinking about another
If so, what is the Vin number: 951
1.In our garage. 2.We looked at one for sale at a "hack shop" (that's why we didn't buy it) somewhere in NY. 3.Golden Classics in Newark, NJ always has one for sale (it's where we bought ours) 4.In PC Gamer there is an article about the upcoming game name "Interstate '82" where a DeLorean stars as the main vehicle.

John Rodgers - 07/16/98 13:50:52
What is your favorite movie: Back to The Future
How old are you: 14
Are you a member of the DML?: No, but I ought to be
Do you own a Delorean?: No, But I'd Die to have one
One passed by me on my way to Gurnee Mills in Gurnee IL. There are also lots in my 1985 DeLorean sales brocure.I also 2 miniature Deloreans One of which I made to be A BTTF DeLorean

John Rodgers - 07/16/98 13:38:52
What is your favorite movie: Back to the future
How old are you: 14
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: No, but I want to
I passed by one on my way to Gurnee Mills in Gurnee IL.

David Burk - 07/16/98 06:56:00
My URL:/TelevisionCity/Set/6115/
My Email:astropunk@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1
How old are you: 14
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I will soon hopefully
I saw a DeLorean on the cover to the box of Interstate '82(the sequel to Interstate '76, which was a great game, I'll probably get I '82 soon and can tell more about it then). I'm going to try to put up a picture of it now. Here it is(hopefully)

David Burk - 07/16/98 06:51:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/6115/
My Email:astropunk@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1
How old are you: 14
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I WISH!!!
I didn't see a DeLorean, but in that comic Non Sequiter(something like that, i'm not sure how it's spelled), some guy with a space ship comes down and is trying to get his ship fixed or something. So he goes to some physicist guy and he is looking at the ar-ship thingie and says "Wow, I havn't seen a DeLorean in years!" or something close to that. I'll scan it and put it on here as soon as i can.

Martin Berutti - 07/15/98 21:39:12
My Email:martin.berutti@frco.com
What is your favorite movie: Field of Dreams
How old are you: 36
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
Back to the Future (movie). Good site, Tim, Mart.

Tyler Brock - 07/06/98 18:25:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DMC_12/
My Email:Turtlefart@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF Trilogy
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not Yet
In the Movie "Oh-God!" with George Burns, there is a scene where the two children of the main character go outside on skateboards. As they leave the drive way there is a DeLorean parked at the next door neighboor's house. You can only see the rear of the eLorean though.

B.Bell - 06/29/98 23:12:51
My Email:Sigma4ov@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1,2,AND3
How old are you: 26
Are you a member of the DML?: no,about to be though
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
In my driveway! :-)

Tyler Brock - 06/29/98 22:36:31
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DMC_12/
My Email:turtlefart@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: not yet
Do you own a Delorean?: not yet
I saw a mention of a DeLorean in the LA times comic pages.it was in a comic strip called Wiley's Non-Sequitor. They were time travelling and they stopped in the eighties and one character goes, "Hey, is that a DeLorean?" in the second comic strip an autom chanic in the 90's tells them, " i haven't worked on DeLoreans for awhile"... then the time travelling character says," All I want is for you to put in a transdimensional circuit". I don't know if those are the EXACT words, but they are as close as I can emember.

Tyler Brock - 06/29/98 22:29:23
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DMC_12/
My Email:turtlefart@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: not yet

Mike - 06/29/98 01:36:36
My URL:http://www.hofstra.edu/~accwww AND http://www.hofstra.edu/~mdesra1 AND http://www.hofstra.edu/~muswww
My Email:accmrd@hofstra.edu
What is your favorite movie: The Philadelphia Project, besides PATTON, TRON, BTTF, and any movie that Clint Eastwood is in
How old are you: 22
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Would be in 6/99, but I need another daily driver first
In and around Massapequa & Farmingdale, (Long Island), N.Y - about 3x ALSO in West Sayville on LI, NY @ PJ Grady's Delorean Workshop. 20+ in various stages of dis-/repair.

Mike - 06/29/98 01:35:35
My URL:http://www.hofstra.edu/~accwww AND http://www.hofstra.edu/~mdesra1 AND http://www.hofstra.edu/~muswww
My Email:accmrd@hofstra.edu
What is your favorite movie: The Philadelphia Project, besides PATTON, TRON, BTTF, and any movie that Clint Eastwood is in
How old are you: 22
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Would be in 6/99, but I need another daily driver first
In and around Massapequa & Farmingdale, (Long Island), N.Y - about 3x ALSO in West Sayville on LI, NY @ PJ Grady's Delorean Workshop. 20+ in various stages of dis-/repair.

Mattthew Brewer - 06/25/98 21:08:04
My Email:Tennb@Hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: Short Circut
How old are you: 11
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: Unfortunely, no
I've seen a DeLorean at the intersecion of Lillian Hihgway and Highway 98 in Pensacola, Fl 32506

Steve - 06/18/98 01:00:08
My Email:dmc@tpgi.com.au
What is your favorite movie: Titanic & BTTF
How old are you: Too old (25)
Are you a member of the DML?: Yep
Do you own a Delorean?: Unfortunately not
In the movie "The Lawnmowerman 2", just after the woman hits the kids with her car about to go into a tunnel, a silver D is drives passed.

Josh Centers - 06/15/98 02:24:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/jcenters
My Email:jcenters@mindspring.com
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future, Bladerunner, Star Wars and Empire
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: No.
Do you own a Delorean?: Dear God, I wish I did!
If so, what is the Vin number: 33
I think I saw a gold colored DeLorean in Jackie Chan's "Rumble in the Bronx". Sadly, the doors got ripped off of it. :-(

Troy - 06/11/98 16:52:29
My Email:troy@spu.edu
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future 1,2,3
How old are you: 30
In Seattle around 80th 85th and 15th in the Ballard district, it is messed up to look like a Road Warrior vehicle with lots of junk. In Port Orchard, WA there is a Back to the Future look alike that too looks messed up. That's all the sightings I've had. troy

Jenna - 06/03/98 01:17:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Amanda_dmc12/page1.html
My Email:delorean@iamerica.net
What is your favorite movie: Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet, but a friend in AR is selling me his.
There is a DeLorean in Adam Sandler's movie The Wedding Singer and also the Simpson's.

GENE - 05/28/98 02:17:11
My Email:t.freund@worldnet.att.net
What is your favorite movie: titanic,terminator2,bttf1,2,3,and few more.
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: after college I will buy it or I'll just shoot my self.
If so, what is the Vin number: I wish it will be like nomber 3,000
All together I saw about 10 DeLoreans. One I saw by Tivoli Park in Florida and another one I saw like a mile from the park. All other ones I saw in the Jag Shop Inc. on 1150 s.w. 10th Ave., Pompano Bch., Fl. 33069 and when one guy wanted to sell it, so I ent there and looked at it. If you want to call the Jag Shop call: (954) 783-5247 or 1-800-783-5247. Oh yeah, I saw one right in my house it's about 12 inches long.

Jim Reeve - 05/25/98 04:44:02
My Email:ultra@isd.net
What is your favorite movie: BTTF/Godzila/Jurassic Park
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: No
Do you own a Delorean?: In 2 years, I plan to drive it to school a least once!
At Ellingson Car Museum in Rogers, MN. I've also been eyeing the road of the Twin Cities for any, but I havent seen one. I would really like to sit in one or even drive one around the block. If anyone from the Twin Cites with a Delorean sees this, plea e email me!

ED - 05/23/98 22:08:39
My Email:EJH555@AOL.COM
What is your favorite movie: BACK TO THE FUTURE
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: NO
Do you own a Delorean?: I WILL SOMEDAY

Chris - 05/14/98 05:25:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~A350Diesel/index-17.html
My Email:a350diesel@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future
Are you a member of the DML?: not yet
Do you own a Delorean?: cant afford it...would love to
one in a driveway, sitting, in Miami, and 2 on a carlot in Melbourne Florida

Colin McDonell - 05/07/98 02:06:29
My Email:jiveturkey50@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: I wish
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 4626
I own a De Lorean. It is great but it has a slight electrical problem, but I will be fixing it soon. E- mail for more!

Mephisto - 04/26/98 07:09:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/garage/7700
My Email:astropunk@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie: star wars
How old are you: 14
Are you a member of the DML?: no,what is it?
Do you own a Delorean?: yeah,all 3 gold plated ones
If so, what is the Vin number: i dont remember
i saw a delorean in a used car lot i think my brother is going to buy it i'm not telling where cuz yer not gonna get it

Josh Haldeman - 04/01/98 02:12:09
My URL:/ResearchTriangle/Lab/7139/
My Email:haldeman.4@osu.edu
What is your favorite movie: "The Mack"
How old are you: 21
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Not media at all, but I have seen three DeLoreans in the Cincinnati area. (there are probably more) One which I saw at a suspension shop on Anderson Ferry road back in 1990. A red one with Illinois plates on Sutton Rd. at an apartment complex near Mt. Washington Elementary School, and finally a girl I went to middle and high school with had a slightly ustomized one, with gray bumper trim, and chrome wheels. *WHEW*

Josh Haldeman - 04/01/98 02:04:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/7139/
My Email:haldeman.4@osu.edu
What is your favorite movie: "The Mack"
How old are you: 21
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Only a micro-machines model. *sniff*
If so, what is the Vin number: Can't see through the tiny windshield dammit!
Not a movie, or TV show, but media non-the-less, While looking through the April 1981 article on Northern Ireland in National Geographic Magazine I found a DeLorean. Its not much but it does include a captioned photograph of a prototype DMC (with no opening windows what-so-ever) along with several empl yees on page 493. Check it out!

DeLoreans1 - 03/27/98 20:18:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/dodgesr1st/cars.html
My Email:DodgesR1st@aol.com or DeLoreans1@aol.com
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I wish I did.
If so, what is the Vin number: n/a
I saw a DeLorean on Hiway 107 in Gravel Ridge Arkansas. I was on General Samuals and it went by right in front of me. It was stainless steel, not customized.

Nathan Gess - 03/21/98 23:03:08
My URL:/MotorCity/Downs/7770/
My Email:delorean12@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Soon
In the early 1980's there was a television series called "Matt Houston" starring Lee Horsley. The first 2 episodes featured the DeLorean for almost the entire time, but then didn't resurface in the series later.

Nathan Gess - 03/21/98 01:38:03
My URL:http://www,geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/7770/
My Email:delorean12@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: soon, very soon....
If so, what is the Vin number: 4192
There was a DeLorean in a Motorola Pager add in a magazine, it played off the BTTF Trilogy by making references to the future.

Nathan Gess - 03/21/98 01:37:04
My URL:http://www,geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/7770/
My Email:delorean12@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: soon, very soon....
If so, what is the Vin number: 4192
There were 2 DeLorean's in a recycling commercial in 1996.

DeGeorge - 03/16/98 21:32:50
My URL:/motorcity/speedway/4844
My Email:degeorge@geocities.com
How old are you: 13
Are you a member of the DML?: Used To
Do you own a Delorean?: I wish I could
I also saw a DeLorean in Beverly Hills Cop Part 1. You only see it for a second though. It's in the scene where Eddie Murphy is looking outside in this big guys estate and then these 2 cops that are trailing him come. He wants to pic nic with them but the the gate's of the mansion open and the bad guy comes out and somewhere there you see a DeLorean. There is also one in the Movie teh Wedding Singer and in a Simpsons episode.

DeGeorge - 03/16/98 21:25:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/speedway/4844
My Email:degeorge@geocities.com
How old are you: 13
Are you a member of the DML?: Used To
Do you own a Delorean?: Wish I did
The first time I saw a DeLorean was when I was in Grade 5 in a used car lot. I even went there and took a picture. I then saw it about 2-3 years later.

none of your buisness - 03/03/98 17:21:39
My Email:groberts@smus.bc.ca
What is your favorite movie: none
How old are you: 18
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: I wish
There was a delorean in the new Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore movie: The Wedding Singer. It was black with a superior interior.

RUSSELL HUGHES - 02/26/98 16:22:32
What is your favorite movie: Top Secret!!
How old are you: 24
Are you a member of the DML?: Not yet!
Do you own a Delorean?: In 5 weeks!!
There's a DE-GORY 'UN in the PC/MAC computer game "CARMAGEDDON". Well actually it's in the add-on disk "THE SPLAT PACK" - It's got some nasty blades mounted on the front for killing pedestrians!! (The game is based on the "Death Race 2000" movie!! Sadly you can't drive it unless you cheat. I'd put a piccie of it right here but don't know how!! - Can someone mail me about how it was done above? Thanks!

Nathan Gess - 02/25/98 21:56:21
My URL:/MotorCity/Downs/7770/
My Email:delorean12@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not Yet
I'm not sure if this counts, because it's not a moving image. In my Earth/Space Science book, there is a picture of a DeLorean prototype (you can tell by the wheels and the sliding window) sitting on a road in the desert. The caption reads, "this sportsc r's body should last forever" I was quite shocked to see a DeLorean in my book, as it was printed in 1989.

Phil G. - 02/23/98 19:20:10
My Email:docbrown@ufl.edu
How old are you: 19
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: soon. very soon
I think I saw one in Back to the Future, but I'm not sure. I'll need to watch it again.

Corry Bailey - 02/23/98 06:30:17
My URL:http://www.ghg.net/spddemon/index.htm
My Email:spddemon@ghgcorp.com
What is your favorite movie: gone in 60 second's
How old are you: 19
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
If so, what is the Vin number: none
There was an episode of Miami Vice in which the was a delorean shown for about 2 seconds.

Nathan Gess - 02/21/98 21:07:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/7770/
My Email:delorean12@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet
If so, what is the Vin number: ----
There is an episode of The Simpsons where Troy McClure the actor drives a DeLorean.

Nathan Gess - 02/21/98 21:06:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/7770/
My Email:delorean12@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF
How old are you: 15
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not yet
If so, what is the Vin number: ----
In the Sony Playstation game Resident Evil 2, there is a DeLorean in one of the street scenes. Very well done I hear.

Garrett - 02/17/98 02:01:45
My Email:mgf@spacey.net
What is your favorite movie: Pulp Fiction
How old are you: 16
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: No
In a Episode of Matlock called ''The Lemon'' The delorean is in it for about half the episode

aaron mills - 02/14/98 16:50:22
My Email:aaron1@webtv.net
What is your favorite movie: the crow
How old are you: 28
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 11554
there is and "adult" film called interSEXtion with a delorean (and half naked woman ) on the box, how ever there is no D in the movie. Also about a year and a half ago , I saw an add for Wendy's (fast food chain). In the ad they talk about how fast there rive threw is and as the cars go racing by you see a D go threw (about 1 second).

Scott Tester - 02/12/98 18:12:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/8240/DeLorean.html
My Email:testersd@appstate.campus.mci.net
What is your favorite movie: Easy Rider
How old are you: 20
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: Not Yet
In Rocky 3 there is a scene showing various advertisments that Rocky appeared in. One is a magazine ad for a DeLorean with Rocky sitting inside.

C. Shirek - 02/12/98 03:56:09
My URL:http://www.koan.com/~chip
My Email:chip@koan.com
i did a little researching from before. the car from MASK was a camero. but it did have gullwing doors. i have a picture. e-mail me if anybody wants a gif of it. chip@koan.com thanx

C. Shirek - 02/12/98 03:39:17
My Email:chip@koan.com
What is your favorite movie: Lost Highway
How old are you: 18
Are you a member of the DML?: no
Do you own a Delorean?: no
If so, what is the Vin number: no
I remember when i was younger seeing a cartoon called "Mask". the cartoon featured a light blue car that when the doors opened, (which were gull wings) the car flew. Yes i know it's not a movie. but was this car drawn after a DMC? It was so long ago that cant remember.

Stephen M. Clark - 02/11/98 18:57:06
My URL:http://www.bttf.com/
My Email:time@traveller.com
What is your favorite movie: Back to the Future - is there anything else?!
How old are you: 32
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: No
If so, what is the Vin number: N/A

While I haven't seen the actual movies, there are a couple of "adult" BTTF parody films called "Backside to the Future" (1986) and "Backside to the Future II" (1987). I don't know anything else about these adult films, but I'd assume that they are lo g out of print.

Misha Weitzner - 02/10/98 23:40:00
My URL:http://members.home.com/weitzner
My Email:weitzner@home.com
What is your favorite movie: BTTF 1
How old are you: 17
Are you a member of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean?: No
I have seen a red DeLorean on a "B"-movie titled "Malibu Express" which was made in the mid-80's. The DeLorean is featured for about the first 20 minutes of the movie. During those 20 minutes it drag races against a Fiero and loses. It turns out that the Fiero used NO2 to win.

Mike Substelny - 02/10/98 13:37:33
My Email:susbtem@cesmtp.ccf.org
What is your favorite movie: Apollo 13
How old are you: 33
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 1280
On "The Simpson's" in the Episode "A Fish Called Selma."

- 02/10/98 06:42:21
Back to the Future Back to the Future Part II Back to the Future Part III Eerie Indiana (Television Series)

Jack Stiefel - 02/10/98 00:40:39
My URL:/rodeodrive/8601/delorean.html
My Email:stiefel@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie: Titanic
How old are you: 23
Are you a member of the DML?: yes
Do you own a Delorean?: yes
If so, what is the Vin number: 3461
There is also a DeLorean in Beverly Hills Cop Part 1.

Jack Stiefel - 02/10/98 00:33:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rodeodrive/8601/delorean.html
My Email:Stiefel@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie?: Titanic
How old are you?: 23
are you a mamber of the DML?: Yes
Do you own a Delorean: Yes
If so, what is the Vn number: 3461
I saw a DeLorean in the upcoming Adam Sandler movie The Wedding Singer

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