I got this idea from my friend Chad.  You can check out his page here. Try out his trivia while you are there.
Updated on 11/6!
I'll post a picture (or other things) every week, and you answer the trivia question about the person.  You can e-mail me the answers here.I'll be sending the weekly winners a prize via e-mail.
Now for question sixteen.

The followin files are Midis. They are kinda funny because they sound like something played on a $20.00 Wal-Mart keyboard. Anyway, this is a little name that tune. See how many out of the 10 titles you can name. You might need a pen and paper, so you can remember which is which. Hint: 3 Wrestler's themes, 1 is an '80's classic,1 is a '70s classic,and the others are '60s golden oldies. I think these are a litle harder then usual, but ya'll should get most of them!!! P.S.-#8 is very, very tough!!


Tune #1
Tune #2
Tune #3
Tune #4
Tune #5
Tune #6
Tune #7
Tune #8
Tune #9
Tune #10

If you can't get all of them, just e-mail me for the answers!

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