For his 1995 Christmas Catalogue (1995cc), Paul Smith produced a 1970's car catalogue style brochure featuring a very smart T-reg Austin Maxi 1750.
How did they manage to keep that oil filter so clean? The caption in the catalogue reads "Gear changing never been easier since introducing a gearbox (on some models). Experience the thrill of changing down to overtake sluggish motorists and reversing out of parking spaces."
"A quick look beneath the handsome bonnet of the 1995cc will give you all the assurance you'll need that you are buying a veritable 'king of the road'. Our finely tuned engine has all the power and sophistication of a thoroughbred and then some." ... "The simplistic design and construction of the 1995cc makes it a sheer joy to work on in the event of a break down. An informative and highly detailed brochure illustrating solutions to common problems is not available."
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