Other places to go...

...when you get bored here, (shouldn't take long!):

First off, there are the new Austin Maxi Owners' Club pages. Charles Lees has done the club proud and if you recognise any names you'll realise why updates to this site have become even less regular than they were already!

Even the Russians (I think) have got in on the act, with what, judging by the amount of text, ought to be a fairly detailed account of the Maxi. If anyone can send me a translation, I'd be very grateful! Russian fonts are available from Cornell University, though I failed to get them to install properly on my browser.

There's the Austin Allegro web page, the one that inspired this effort. After all, if the All Aggro can have one, then so can a real classic like the Maxi! My mother once had an Allegro in metallic purple.

Another distinctive shape, this time in New Zealand, the Austin Princess! This site describes a very thorough rebuild of one of these cars.

To save on money, BMC used the doors from the Landcrab on the Maxi, use this link to see them in their native environment.

Thus far, the links are all devoted to particular models of the dinosaur known as the British Motor Corporation (or its successors). The Unofficial Austin-Rover Resource brings them all together in a very comprehensive way.

The Americans can be very snooty about anything that's not an MG or a Spitfire, something to bear in mind if you visit the Scions of Lucas. On the other hand, this is a big site with lots of links and pictures although access can be very slow from the UK.

MG also have quite a number of links.

I think the Citroen DS is one of the most amazing cars of all time. I'd love to have a go at working on one, all those hydraulics!

Classic Motor Monthly publish most of their monthly magazine on the web, plus a smattering of classic car web related stuff.

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