H-D Super Glide Fat Bob®Technical Page
Many European Harley riders are faced with the problem that all Harley-Davidson manuals specify contents, weigth and distance in US measures. The following table helps in converting from US to European measures.
Since almost every H-D Manual tells you exactly how to set the timing of your (electrical) ignition using an INDUCTIVE TIMING LIGHT (Part No. HD-33813) and a TIMING MARK VIEW PLUG (Part No. HD-9629565C), I will NOT discuss that here. Instead I will give a few tips that might help you when you want to replace the electrical ignition with a mechanical one (contact breaker points). The first thing to bear in mind is that if you replace the breakerless inductive discharge ignition system by a circuit breaker system, you MUST ALSO REPLACE the ignition coil. This is because the inductive ignition system uses an ignition coil with 2.5 to 3.1 Ohms resistance (primary) while a circuit breaker requires a coil with 4.7 to 5.7 Ohms resistance (primary). Something else to notice is that meaning of the timing marks on the flywheel varies for different models:
When mounting the circuit breaker plate, the condenser must be at the bottom while the breaker contacts
must be at the top.
This information is supplied on an "as-is" basis without
warranty, expressed or implied. |