Motorcycling activities

Here are some pictures of my recent motorcycling activities and some of my current and past motorcycles. I will attempt to continually update the picture files for freshness. I currently ride a VX800 Suzuki as explained in the intro. The VX is a standard configuration motorcycle which incorporates the well established VS800 intruder engine in a standard format chassis. I much prefer standards to cruisers or sportbikes as they perform well in a wide variety of functions. They do not handle as well as a sportbike, nor do they have the power of a comparable sport bike, but the VX's handling is well above the average cruiser or older standard and it's power gets the job done. It is very torquey and will run 125-130 mph. It handles the sidecar's weight and drag far better than the GS1000E I had before it. It is a comfortable long haul tourer with a comfortable seat and little vibration. It's ergonomics are excellent. The brakes are adequate, but could stand improvement. As my roots are in roadracing with a healthy dose of long haul touring, I do not get into, nor do I quite understand the cruiser thing. To each his own, I guess.

To further enhance rider/passenger comfort on long rides, I have recently added an '83 GL1100 Goldwing Aspencade. I've gone through it mechanically and gotten it ready for the coming season Y2K. So far, we love it. Pictures will be forthcoming of future tours on this bike. I have aquired a camper trailer to pull behind the bike and that is set up and ready for use. Indeed I've used it on a couple of shake down trips already.

Links to pictures and other sites on the Web

Kanga's Place
Tucson Trip September, 2000
Suzy-The VX800 and Hack
Dirt riding with Gretchen
My Racing Page
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The GL 1100 Goldwing Aspencade

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