Hunting Activities

This page is dedicated to pictures and discriptions of my hunting and fishing activities. I Belonged to the National Sportsman's Club and had been a member for seven years. I have just recently dropped out of the club in order to free up money so that I might pursue other hunting opportunities. I hunted deer with them on their ranches and also on my own 10 acre "spread" which borders a large ranch. Five deer have been taken from this 10 acres in 8 years. Hunting pressure is low and deer populations are high here and feeders are legal here in Texas, so it is a serious hunting spot. Size of the racks taken here so far have not been impressive as the herd is not managed. Ducks are hunted in the Calhoun county area on both tide lands and state WMA lands. The first link is of a 7 pointer killed on my place and a javelina killed on the Hamilton ranch, a NSC property in west Texas. The link "birds and deer" has a shot of a great dove hunt, 12 birds and a blue goose, on the tailgate of my 4x4. The deer is an eight point shot on my property and the boat is My friend, Trey Tatum and his boat on an unsuccessful and miserable windy, cold trip to Matagorda Island for ducks. The Mallard and limit of assorted ducks was taken at the Guadalupe Delta WMA, a truly good public hunting area in the Guadalupe delta of Calhoun County, Texas.

Links to Pictures

Deer and Javelina
Birds and Deer
Successful Duck Hunt
Successful Goose Hunt
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