how is it that Cosmo finds his way into every picture we take around the house?
Andrea and I live in cheerful Nanaimo, BC. This is our new home where we've been living since January of 1998. We were married on September 4, 1999. (Please follow the Wedding Link to get the details.) Andrea has two children, James and Christina, and we have two cats, Cosmo and Ziggy.
A closer look at British Columbia - click here to see map.
Nanaimo's population is about 72,000, we have lots and lots of malls, the largest of which is Woodgrove Mall in the north end. Nanaimo is a port city with ferries to Horseshoe Bay on the mainland - a quick (but expensive) trip to Vancouver. What else is there to do in Nanaimo? Well there's Price-Costco - home of free-sample lunches if you have a membership. There's golf courses, bars, bowling alleys, a swimming pool, and many other amenities. The downtown harbour rivals Victoria's for beauty since the recent upgrades done to it, and there is a new waterfront theatre there. There's lots of terrific restaurants in town, and they're generally quieter and cheaper than their Victoria equivalents. Unfortunately, there's not much in the way of late night restaurants (Boston Pizza is open till 3 am, and there's another pizza place that's open late, but that's it aside from donut shops). Some of our favourite restaurants include Fast Eddie's Good Eats (jukeboxes retro-diner), Mrs. Riches (nice family restaurant, great decor), Katerina's (Greek), Gina's (Mexican), The Green Garden (smorgasbord), the Hong Kong House (smorgasbord), and Ricky's (a nice chain family restaurant, great for Sunday brunch, and close to Costco.) All of these places are now much nicer since the implementation of the smoke-free laws.
Um... lets see... what else do we do here? well there's some nice lakes around and good hiking and bike riding areas. The new highway has a nice foot and bike path alongside it. But mostly, we hang around the house playing with the computers, and occasionally get out and shop...
I work for the Provincial Government of BC, in the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations. Although I live in Nanaimo I commute to Victoria to work every day (a 250 kilometre round trip). The trip takes about 2 hours each way. I was working in Nanaimo for a short time with the Industry Training and Apprenticeship Commission (ITAC) early in 1999 but since then have transferred to the Corporate Accounting Systems department within the Ministry of Finance, providing computer help-desk support. Since that is what I've always wanted to do, I'm no longer actively seeking work in Nanaimo. Hopefully I will someday find systems-related work here which will save me commuting during the worst of the winter months.
I am studying in the Computer Based Information Systems Program (CBIS) at the University of Victoria, completing my courses by correspondence. I communicate with the instructor and students through a WebBoard and by electronic mail.
Some of my hobbies include tinkering with computers, working on cars (visit my Garage), and reading books - mostly fantasy and science fiction novels.My family takes precedence over even these hobbies so lately I've been just working hard and relaxing with my family when opportunity permits. We like to watch silly TV shows like Drew Carey, The Simpsons, and Saturday Night Live.
I was born in Chilliwack, BC and have lived in various areas of British Columbia during my life, including Vanderhoof, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria, and now Nanaimo. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else - British Columbia is one of the best places to live in the world, in my humble opinion. I've travelled across Canada, been to some of the western states, and been to Mexico, and while I've seen some beautiful places, this will always be my home.
The first time I saw an actual computer was around 1981 - I believe it was a Commodore SuperPet at my elementary school. It had a game where you had to land a small lunar lander on the moon, using the numerical keys to change rocket velocity. It was hard - most of us crashed the rocket every time we tried. In Grade 8 I had a small computer unit in my advanced math course - we had to program the school minicomputer using computer cards that you had to fill in with a pencil, and then run through a card reader.
In 1984 I bought my first personal computer, a Commodore 64. It was always breaking down and I got very little actual use out of it. I took more computer courses but gradually lost interest, mainly due to lack of access to computers and poor teaching technique which discouraged the interest I had in them. It wasn't until 1994 that I purchased my next computer, a 386DX-40. Which turned my life around! It came with a 300 baud modem, but I replaced that with a 2400 baud one the first week I had the computer. I logged on to a local BBS, The X, and got hooked into the world of on-line chat. The BBS is long gone now and the 386 board that served me so well is now gathering dust in my parts drawer... but my interest in computing was re-awakened for good. I now have an email account on Victoria Freenet, National Capital Freenet, and Hotmail, I have an ICQ number (3859384), an ISP account I share with Andrea, an Excite Talk Virtual Places account, and I use computers to access my library, and to access the University of Victoria to participate in my distance education classes. Every time I turn around there's another great use for computers. Like this web page, which enables me to share information with friends, family, and people I know online, but have not yet met.