NovaSS (SS=Screen Saver)
Here's a free Nova Screen Saver for MS-Windoze systems. It consist of various ChevyII/Nova toy images (plastic model kit box covers).


1) Download (do not try to view it on-line) the file (chevy.jpeg) pointed to by this link...
ChevyII/Nova Screen Saver (1,235,968 bytes)

If you are using Internet Explorer, you can download the file by clicking the link with the right mouse button and choosing "Save Target As..." from the popup menu.

NOTE: The file is NOT a jpeg image file. For some reason, Geocities would not let me upload a file with an .scr extension, so I just changed it to .jpeg. Heh.

2) after you download the file, rename chevy.jpeg back to chevy.scr

3) copy the chevy.scr file to your c:\windows\ directory.

4) install & configure the screensaver (on Win9x systems, you can "right click" anywhere on the desktop (don't hit any icons) and then choose Properties from the popup menu. When the DisplayProperties dialog box appears, click the ScreenSaver tab. The dropdown box which list the available screen savers should have a new "Chevy" entry!

Good luck, and enjoy!

© 1999 Chevy2Nova. All rights reserved.
Page first posted May 23, 1999.
Page last updated May 23, 1999.