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bulletAre problems with your car getting you down?
bulletAre you having a problem trouble shooting your car?
bulletDo you need a second opinion?
bulletWhy not ask an expert?


I am a certified Master Technician with nine (9) ASEs including the L1 Advance Engine Performance and I have over 15 years of automotive experience on all makes and models, foreign and domestic (gasoline engines only).  Ask me your questions and get a professional opinion. 

Quit listening to your neighbors-best friends-cousins-brothers-uncle who parks cars for a living.  Remember I am currently an automotive technician.  I go to work every day and my job is to diagnose and trouble shoot cars that no one else can fix.  Cars with problems just like yours, the difference is my employer charges $65.00 per hour on the job, with a minimum of a one hour charge no matter how fast I find the problem.  Many problems are common and are quickly found.  Through out the years I have come across many unusual problems and know how to fix them.  This is where your $5.95 question could save you lots of your hard earned money.  Such a small price for the years of professional experience you will receive.

 Prices have been lowered due to the TREMENDOUS RESPONSE from our customers. THANK YOU!

There is a $5.95 charge per problem and each time new questions are answered. 


Now as a BONUS: The first question is" FREE "!!! First time users pay Nothing!! Save $5.95 and the processing fee! It's All FREE!!!
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