Our current membership is 65 members.
Historic registration is also available.

Correspondence to
P.O BOX 958 Salisbury S.A

If you can`t locate that missing part for your project and combing the trader isn`t helping,
Checkout the swapmeets and go to as many as you can even interstate when possible! This can prove most rewarding and you may even save $on parts that you need.

What does the club do?

We have a once a month meeting where members can learn of up comming events
and plan our own. We go on runs and BBq` s ,drive-in`s,bowling,members can get together for swapmeets and shows. plus learn new things about your favourite Holden.
Various places also offer discount to members.

Featured Tip:

This club is a non-profit organisation,
all proceeds go into club functions.