F150-Online Oct. '99
Texas Rally Page
On the weekend of October 15th -17th '99 members of the F150 Online website got
together in Austin Texas to meet each other in person, talk trucks, and have a good time.
Rather than typing up the weekend activities for myself, I've taken the liberty of stealing
<er> borrowing what DAVENSA, and Sean had to say about rally
Hello all, Thought you all might want to know how the rally turned out....We had a great time. I think almost everyone got to ride in a Lightning( courtesy of Nathan and Wyldman), but they didnt go over the speed limit, lol. About 12-14 members where together at all times...We went to eat at Papasitos on Friday night, and went back to the hotel and talked in the parking lot till about 0130. Time flies when we talk about trucks I guess. Saturday we met again in the parking lot at 0930, the plans were to go cruising the area hill country, lakes and parks. While waiting in the parking lot I asked some of the guys I was with if they had ever locked they keys in the truck on accident, most of us had, we had alittle laugh and continued talking. No more than 3 minutes had passed when Dustins wife is heard calling for Dustin, it seemed Dustins toddler daughter had locked the truck with her in it. So after many jestures to the toddler to open the door (failing badly) we moved Mumblys truck up alittle so she could see his inside door handle, then I pulled on it and showed her, she ofcourse mimicked and the door was opened. Then we headed of to the hill country. It looked really neat to see all those F150s in a line going down the highway. We stopped at a BBQ (SMOKEY Js, I think) for lunch, while we were there some of us got to witness a furousious fight between Sean (SS97FORD) and alittle bee. Sean learned a valuable lesson, never swat a bee with a chopped beef sandwich in your hand. The sandwich went flying and the bee still kept coming back, poor Sean all morning he was saying how hungry he was, and he only got about 4 bites out of his sandwich, but it was good for the laughs( for the rest of us anyway) Then we were off cruising again. After the drive we went back to the Hotel for a couple minutes before we dicided to go to Seans house before we went to the Whataburger on 35n (hot rod gathering place in Austin) It was Seans idea ( I think he wanted to sneak in his house and get a bite to eat) Once there we lined up in front of his house for more pictures, stayed there about 30 minutes before heading to Whataburger. When we left I noticed alot of white smoke everywhere..hummmm I know it wasnt cold enough for steam, oh well not enough time to investigate to we contined on. Once at Whataburger we lined up all the F150s together. I think 5 Lightnings were there (3 blk, 2 red) and atleast 12 other F150s...it was a good showing. We stayed there till about 1030pm. Then we headed to a dark country road in the boonies, where some of the guys played alittle. We then went back to the hotel, Nathan, Dustin, Patrick and big Daddy went back to the boonies..I dont kow what for but they all had grins on their faces when they returned. We stayed talking in the parking lot again till about 0130-0200. While at the Whataburger we had a drawing for a set of headlight lences and bright bulbs, furnished by Roger and the online store (please shop there to support him and this site) We put all the names in the hat, Dustins daughter picked the names, I think Sean trained her, because he won 1st choice,,He got the bulbs..Gunman won the covers.. Sunday I woke up at 0730 and left the hotel by 0900. Some of the guys were still there so I dont know if anything exciting happened after I left. Nathan and Wyldmans son took alot of digital photos, so hopefully they will start to show up today sometime on this forum. Sean also video taped alot of the hill country drive and other events. Well this is the 1st annual Texas rally, 2 more months it will be the year 2000. So lets start planning the 2nd annual Texas rally. Let me know Im game for it. Hopefully we can get twice as many people to attend. How about San Antonio..Alot to see out here and only about a hour drive from Austin.. Feed back welcome...Dave
Sean AKA SS97Ford:
Howdy Davensa & all you Tx. Rally Goers ! & all other readers too ! Well, it's 1:30pm Sun. afternoon & I just had my shower & bfast. Dave said we were up til 2am in the parking lot, but that's when "HE" went to bed.. I didn't head home until 4am & that's when Mumbly, Mudder, Dustin & "In need of a straight Jacket Man" went to their rooms to call it a night. Steve #1 & his friend (feel bad, forgot his name) left sometime around 3am. Talk about the high tech. times.... Here we are in the "High Class Motel 6" parking lot, dubbing video tapes on the tailgates, while Nathan is sitting on the ground in the driveway w/his laptop & digital camera editing photos & giving photoshop 5 lessons ! We had a great time ! I got some pretty good footage of us all out cruising the country roads & of all the trucks lined up everywhere we stopped. I need to go out & take a picture of the street in front of my house to cure Daves curiosity of the cause of the white smoke he was seeing when we all left Well, I did get to eat my bfast. w/out "Insect Intervention" this morning ! That was a good bbq sandwich too ! The day was a blast, turning heads everywhere we went. What a beautiful sight seeing all these F-150's cruising around town this weekend. I also got some video of the races between the lightnings out on the boonies road. Can't wait to hook it up & watch it on the T.V. screen instead of the 2"x3" camcorder screen. Dave was right... they kept it under the speed limit, "Of the concorde" !!! They practiced self control, safety & driving for the best gas mileage possible. I only heard the words "It was pegged at 140mph" 2 or 3 times ! LOL I really have to thank "Roger Lemere" now for sending out the clear lenses & superwhite headlight bulbs. I swear that I had no influence on Dustin's daughter whatsoever ! The bowl was mixed, her hand went in & out came my name. She did have some practice though... we had all the slips w/the names on them on a cooler while we read them & dropped them in the bowl to make sure we had everyone included. She walked over & picked up a slip & it was mine. LOL Man ! those things are nice ! We put them in & in the well lit parking lot I couldn't see the full effect, but when we went out the dark deserted road to run the trucks I sure could tell a "HUGE" difference ! Even Mumbly wants a pair ! You know where to find Roger Buck ! Well, I have to end this now, I'm getting the grocery list put in front of me & a big pot of "Chili" is going to be brewing as soon as I can get the stuff back home ! Cold front came in & it's 50 deg. outside... Yippeee !! We all had a great time, finally got to all meet each other in person, made some new friends & can't wait to do it again ! Lets keep in touch & start planning early so we all can make it again & maybe get some more people too ! Here's who all made it if I can remember this right. Buck "Mumbly", Davensa, Chris Chapplain, Patrick "Mudder", Dustin (& wife/daughter), Steve #1 "Wrestler", Chuck "Wyldman"(Big Daddy) & son, Darren "The Gunman", Nathan, Lance, Dave in Waco, John "Nascar", Justin Eagle (shortly), & hopefully I'm not leaving anyone out, but my brain is still a day behind & if I remember anymore I'll come back & edit. Hope to see y'all again soon the next time & until then... See ya here on F150online !!!
< I you want to look at all the big pictures, go to the index so you don't have to wait for this page to load>
Video Captures
Shot by Sean and myself
Video Clip of Lightning Race <I didn't have the space for the clip on this site. Nathan has it. If you don't see it on his site send him an email.>
Go here to see pictures taken by Nathan and Wyldman.
Be sure to check the F-150 Online Message Board under Events & Happenings for information on upcoming rallies. We are looking to make this a Quarterly or Bimonthly event.
The next Texas Rally is set for April 14th, 15th, & 16th. Hope to see you there.