Kristin Ann Laurite's Page

This area of my site is dedicated to the memory of Kristin who's life was taken from her and all of those who knew her and all of those who may have had the chance to know her. Although I never met her, she was a part of our Bus community and she was not much older than my own daughter. Please be safe out there and if you do have problems on the road use the AIRS resource for help with your buswhile on the road!
Go here to read what happened to her
*NOTE: All photos on this page were sent to me and posted by request.
I did not mine them from the internet.
Mountain Bike
resource for women.
AWARE Women's personal safety awareness.

Artisans & Artists

Lori Fusello
La Belle Epoque Studios,
Painted Canvas
Dawn (now in Arizona)
PLF, BUS & Westy Canvas


Heather Ann' site.

Type II Owners

Pam again
Kate (click on picture & visit her site)
Keri Her site!
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