Global Car Production Statistics pages by Frank Bessem March 2002
Technical remarks on the statistics
Countries with commercial vehicle production only
Car production, country ranking Car production per make Some links Overview of updates Back to startpage of Frank Bessem's homepage
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Passenger car production 1995-2000, country ranking:

When clicking on the country names, you will find country-specific 1992-2000 production figures by make for passenger cars, as well as trucks and buses. 2000 figures have been added now for most countries.
The P and/or A stand for production and/or assembly.

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in 2000
(99/98/97) Country 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1 (1/1/1) Japan P 7,610,533 7,863,763 8,492,080 8,055,763 8,100,169 8,363,485
2 (2/2/2) USA P 6,351,255 6,080,410 5,927,281 5,547,116 5,636,744 5,540,174
3 (3/3/3) Germany P 4,823,009 5,032,116 4,678,022 5,348,115 5,298,153 5,144,245
4 (4/4/4) France P 3,050,9291 2,088,038 2,258,769 2,603,021 2,784,467 2,879,596
5 (5/7/5) South Korea P 2,003,146 2,264,709 2,308,476 1,625,125 2,361,735 2,602,008
6 (6/5/6) Spain P 1,958,789 1,941,716 2,010,266 2,216,386 2,208,708 2,366,359
7 (7/6/7) United Kingdom P 1,532,084 1,686,134 1,698,015 1,748,277 1,786,623 1,628,531
8 (8/8/10) Canada P 1,336,725 1,279,312 1,372,111 1,481,111 1,625,113 1,551,193
9 (9/9/9) Italy P 1,422,359 1,317,995 1,562,865 1,402,378 1,410,314 1,422,480
10 (10/10/8) Brasil P 1,307,503 1,471,079 1,679,644 1,244,463 1,103,460 1,347,923
11 (12/11/11) Belgium P+A 1,192,335 1,161,547 1,004,970 969,871 938,881 1,156,390
12 (13/12/13) Mexico P 699,312 800,300 853,197 952,909 994,104 1,132,712
13 (11/13/12) Russia P 845,710 859,568 983,139 838,159 954,885 980,747
14 (15/16/15) India P 393,698 472,482 486,593 459,819 596,007 632,146
15 (16/15/16) China P 352,298 385,274 481,611 507,103 565,366 604,677
16 (14/14/14) Poland P+A 259,045 445,231 539,857 593,781 666,362 487,103
17 (18/17/20) Czech Republic P 193,186 240,044 320,589 368,328 348,478 428,223
18 (17/18/17) Sweden P 387,659 367,793 375,705 368,305 385,044 406,172
19 (19/20/19) Australia P 314,142 328,827 325,957 337,500 302,925 323,649
20 (24/23/23) Turkey P 233,412 207,757 242,780 239,937 222,041 297,476
21 (22/21/22) Taiwan P 282,006 264,943 268,060 293,009 245,697 263,013
22 (21/27/21) Malaysia P 194,574 233,647 272,941 126,400 250,620 253,900
23 (23/19/18) Argentina P 226,504 269,199 366,466 353,068 224,825 238,921
24 (26/25/24) South Africa A 236,584 249,838 239,762 203,821 189,370 224,122
25 (20/22/25) Netherlands P 100,434 145,257 197,225 242,989 262,242 215,085
26 (25/24/31) Iran P+A n.d. 69,296 94,679 226,560 207,748 n.d.
27 (27/26/26) Portugal P 73,185 152,646 189,131 181,388 186,996 190,912
28 (28/30/35) Slovakia A 19,688 30,147 40,885 125,089 126,503 181,312
29 (29/33/32) Hungary P+A 51,055 63,033 76,255 89,481 125,889 134,029
30 (30/32/29) Austria P 59,196 97,386 97,774 91,264 123,217 115,979
31 (31/28/30) Slovenia A 46,583 89,229 95,717 126,397 118,132 n.d.
32 (32/29/27) Romania P+A 87,708 116,980 130,437 125,423 106,401 77,361
33 (33/34/33) Uzbekistan A? - 16,439 71,817 60,000 58,000 30,000
34 (34/31/28) Thailand A n.d. 90,5232 112,041 32,008 n.d. n.d.
35 (35/36/36) Finland A 21,415 32,272 33,700 31,000 n.d. n.d.
36 (36/38/38) Egypt A? n.d. 3,087 4,000 19,941 25,445 n.d.
37 (37/35/34) Indonesia A 40,000 52,754 48,000 8,401 n.d. n.d.
38 (38/37/39) Ukraine P 59,963 7,131 1,085 24,237 6,040 11,383
39 (39/39/37) Yugoslavia P 7,502 9,524 11,124 12,911 3,816 11,175

  Total ±36,500,000 ±38,700,000 ±39,742,625 ±39,396,000 ±40,144,000 ±40,948,000

Compiled from various sources, mainly:
Auto Katalog No. 45 (2001/2002), Vereinigte Motor-Verlage, Stuttgart, Germany. 2001.
Auto Katalog No. 44 (2000/2001), Vereinigte Motor-Verlage, Stuttgart, Germany. 2000.
Auto Katalog No. 43 (1999/2000), Vereinigte Motor-Verlage, Stuttgart, Germany. 1999.
Auto Katalog No. 42 (1998/99), Vereinigte Motor-Verlage, Stuttgart, Germany. 1998.
Auto Katalog No. 41 (1997/98), Vereinigte Motor-Verlage, Stuttgart, Germany. 1997.
Website VDA (Verband Deutsche Automobilhersteller).
Various manufacturer's web sites.

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Technical remarks on the statistics:

The figures include car production as well as car assembly. Although I corrected some mistakes and inconsistencies occurring in the various sources I used, the above list is still not perfect! For some countries, exact figures are hard to get.

A first probable cause for different figures according to the source, is the distinction that has to be made between car production and car assembly (it is a question of definition whether the assembly of a CKD [completely knocked-down]-kit is to be counted in the country of production of the kit (Component Set Order), or in the country of assembly). Secondly, at what point, assembly becomes manufacturing? Normally, a local content of at least 50 per cent of the value added is required in order to be regarded as production. Assembly of CKD kits (often practiced to by-pass excessive import duties on imported cars) can be found in numerous countries not mentioned in the above list, such as, among others, Morocco, Philippines, Botswana etc.
A second problem of definition is whether small utilitary vans and pick-up trucks, are to be counted among the passenger cars or as commercial car production. For instance, in Brasil, pick-up trucks are sometimes included, but four-wheel drives are not. Normally, the vans and pick-ups are not included in production figures for passenger cars, except if they are registered as passenger cars (intended for passenger transportation as opposed to transportation of commodities).
Thirdly, French and German production figures tend to include production and assembly in other countries, for instance BMW includes the production of the US-made Z3 Roadster in its German production figures although this car is not produced in Germany at all, nor is it assembled in that country. It may be an issue of local content. Hence, one should be careful comparing figures from various sources!

If anyone has remarks and/or corrections to make with respect to these problems, or knows of figures and sources I didn't use, please don't hesitate to mail me.

Production by make:

- Seat
- VW

Countries with commercial vehicle production only (no passenger car production):

- Belarus
- Pakistan
- Switzerland

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Car links (you will find many more links on country-specific pages):

Perodua (Malaysia)
Rex (Estonia)
Tantor (Latvia)
All about electric cars (AVERE - European Electric Road Vehicle Association)

Historic car links:

Gazoline (French oldtimer magazine)

Oldtimer-Markt (German oldtimer magazine)


The International Streamline Tatra site by Paul Schilperoord

DAF Club Netherlands

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Automotive press links:

Motor Presse Online (German)

L'Argus (French)
Top Gear (English)
Which Kit? (Britain's biggest kit car magazine)

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Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Frank Bessem ( f b e s s e m @ y a h o o .c o m - remove spaces)


1 Including production of French makes outside France.   back to table
2 According to OICA sources, car production in Thailand was 141,123 in 1996.   back to table