Bike Page
Current Features:
I HAVE A HOLE IN MY TIRE! You don't (necessarily) have to get a new tire each time you get a flat! See what I found in my tire one day... and what I did about it. |
Sigma BC700/800 Sport. Computerize your bike! You have to see this to believe it. Speedo with digital accuracy. Multiple functions: speedometer, trip meter, odometer, average speed, max speed, clock. Impress your friends. |
Take a cyber-lap around Tantalus! Until now... there has never been a more thorough description of TANTALUS. An in-depth, detailed account of every turn, kink, bump, and bend. Illustrations and commentary for every corner. Enter here if you dare. |
My steed :) Okay, okay, I'll finally give in and be like everybody else's web page and include a section on my current bike.Click on the image. |
Sadowski's Bike! Holy wet dreams Batman! February 1, 1998... I got a chance to sit on, touch, drool, and fondle Dave Sadowski's Formula 1 Extreme RR. Yeah, I know you don't believe me... that's why I have pictures here! Click on the pic! |
Join the free CBR900 mailing list. If you own a CBR900, are thinking about getting one, like the way it looks, or are just lonely and want lots of email, send an email to and enter the following text in the body of the message: subscribe myname@my.address. Voila! You're on the list! |
Last updated: 10/12/98
Always adding more stuff! Always under construction.
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times since January 7, 1998