Since the Phoenix is taking so long to finish, and with the fact that I have 2 jobs now,  I really needed a another car as a daily driver.  I began looking through the classifieds since the beginning of the summer, looking for something cheap but sporty.  My Dad passed along the idea of leasing a new vehicle, mostly due to the ad he saw for a 99 S10 for $169 a month.  I was curious so we went down to the dealership to check it out.  The lot had a surplus of the 2.2L/5-speed models and since it was the end of the model year they wanted them off the lot.  I test drove one and liked it very much.  Once I weighed the advantages of having a brand new car over a used one, and considered the economy/utility of a 4 cylinder truck, I was sold.  I picked it up the next week, then proceeded to put about 1500 miles on it within the month...not good considering it's a lease vehicle!  Oh well, it's a blast to drive, at least compared to what I was driving when the Phoenix was down.

Mods thus far:

Future Mods: