These are just some of the websites that I have had the pleasure of creating. I would just like to thank the people involved for letting me create their sites for them, and thank those of you who have visited some of them :)

Hire Up
Hire Up Ltd are specialists in hire acess in the Wellington region. They are responisble for getting people to high hard to reach places for a variety of missions. The new vehicle is custom built and New Zealand themed.
Their range of work has spanned from access to windows for washing through to camera positioning for the Nissan Mobil 500 and feature films.
Where do you take your car for repairs, maintainence and upgrades? To the garage like everyone else!
MIDAS Porirua is a MIDAS franchise with attitude. The team at www.thegarage.co.nz are all talented car freaks specialising in their own area of expertise, be it turbo charged rice mobiles, fuel guzzling V8's, hypo eggbeater rotangs, or tin VTEC Hondas, thegarage.co.nz are my garage of choice!

Skylines Downunder
skylinesdownunder is a the website for Nissan Skyline enthusiasts. As a non-profit organisation the site does well considering that has over 1000 visits per day from around the world. It features interactive chat, forums, downloadable screensavers, video, audio and much much more.

Rated the best site of its kind here :)

Fleetcare Forklifts Ltd www.fleetcare-forklifts.co.nz Fleetcare Forklifts Ltd, or New Zealands official importer for Nissan and Raymond lift trucks. They are also distributors of Alto scrubbers. Fleetcare Forklifts was the second site I had the pleasure of working on. The site itself has been responsible for making a few sales, and the revenue of just one paid for the website costs.

Mag and Spoiler World
Mag and Spoiler World are Hamilton's newest after market auto spare retailer for high performance cars. The team at Mag and Spoiler World instantly took a liking to the benefits of getting online. Their website will include all of their product range and up'n'coming specials. The site is new so be sure to visit at a later date too...

I have done other sites aswell...