NeemSoft - Software & Internet Solutions


Normally we are implementing customized solutions, however because we want our own name to be more generaly known, we are also investing in development for out-of-the-box NeemSoft Products.

Web Page Development
we design the Web Pages based on company profiles, or based on a full specification or style guide. Mostly we prefer simple but eye-catching designs - but we do not fear a fuzzy look. The web is the best way to present a companies catalog, and so we will make sure that potential prospects will stop right there.

Java Programs & Applets
Java is the future for off-site data handling, it does not have any requirements for the executing platform. Because of the full commitment of the industry leading companies - like Sun or IBM - Java promesses to be the main programming language for developping interactive programs. We not only develop tools or applications for the Web, but also deliver the tools that every programmer needs. One of our implementations is a Java Library for evaluating mathematical expressions (see jmep).

Java Scripts
A Web Page reader does not want to have the overhead of havy programms to download, and however still wants to have high interactivity. Thats where the Java Scripts come in place. Java Scripts offer a high customization and gives the feed-back where needed.

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