Welcome to the Southern Sydney Early Holden Car Club newsletter called Grey Matters!
Our newsletter is published quarterly and is available to club members.
This on-line version of sorts showing some of our recent club activities.

Issue 50

Wattamolla Picnic: CMC/NRMA run to Cook Park, Ramsgate.

Motorfest 2007: The first run of the year was our Australia Day trip into the city of Sydney for the NRMA Motorfest. Another great day even though we had a small turnout.

Issue 49

Weekend trip: This year's weekend trip was to Currarong on the South Coast.

Run to Coledale and Kiama: A great day trip down the South Coast to check out a vintage caravan display at Coledale Beach... with some members heading onto Kiama.

Highlands Motorfest: Short run down to Boral for this annual event.





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