September 29, 1998--School Sucks

Well, it has been almost a month since I updated, but it is not my fault. School is doing it. Blame Mrs. Case, who techees AP US History, the hardest class at my school. But anyway, I still havent taken any new pics, but that is because I can't seem to find my camera.

I got a parking sticker (spot #186, they wouldn't let me have #377, but I will ask again). The next excitment came with the fire. I pulled my choke, and it went dzzt dzzt smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke(etc. etc). I had shorted out the wire to my fuel pump so that was more excitment than I really needed. I laid out of school and got that fixed. Then around the 18 or so, My car died and wouldn't start. Bob told me to adjust the floats, I tried that but it didn't work, mainly because I was doing it wrong. I ended up ripping the washers and they got down in my fuel bowl, so Bob came out and fixed that. He yelled at me alot for all kinds of stuff so I just e-mailed him that my car broke down this time and didn't ask him to fix it. I was driving back from Terry's house, and my car died. It just stopped firing. I coasted into a driveway, and after just like two or three tries of turning it, my battery died. It turns out that my belt wasnt tight enough on my alternator and it wasn't making enough juice, so I tightned that, charged the battery, and it is back home now.

That is it for now, but I will try to update the next time something happens.

OH YEAH!!!! I bought fenders and a front bumper and three pieces of chrome from a really cool guy in Asheville. And all for just $250!!! YES!!!!