Welcome to Mr. Edd's Stableyard
This site is a convenient place to put some of the programs and other things I have done on the internet. These include utility programs, Microsoft Plus themes, and links to some recommended sites.
There is also a comprehensive list of links to most major car manufacturers, in-car audio manufacturers and some other miscellaneous items.
The games section includes Colin McRae Rally tips, TOCA 2 car skins for the PC version of the game, and some screens and info on Gran Turismo 2.
This site is well overdue for a major overhaul, but as I'm busy with other things it'll have to wait.
What's New Then?
9/1/01: Updated the text to be a bit more in date. More links to auto manufacturers. My cars list has changed, need pics though.
8/6/99: I've updated the GT2 section and added some info on TOCA 2.
7/6/99: Refreshed site with new info and added the Win95 Logo Changer program to Utils.
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e-mail me at stevekipping@freenet.co.uk if you have any requests or suggestions for this site.
Copyright Steven 'Edd' Kipping 1998
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