You've stumbled onto the homepage of a huge Formula One fan!! I have attempted to put together a few pages which might give you an insight into the world of Formula One if you are new to it - the links inserted will give you almost the whole picture in a snapshot, if it were possible!!.
Another one of my big interests is photography. I have put together a page which has some of my work, some description of the location, and the equipment used.
In this homepage I have attempted to capture the reasons and the result why these are my favourite pursuits.
Being a bit of a Pink Floyd fan, I thought I'd do my bit for my fellow fans or anyone who's heard about them and wants stuff to further their interest. I have inserted a whole new page that contains the lyrics of their popular albums
A bit about myself -
I work on risk management systems for my livelihood! I love the outdoors, and wish I had more opportunities to indulge in it. I am pretty good at a lot of court sports. I play particularly good tennis.
Your suggestions and comments are most welcome.Thanx for stopping by ....write to me if you can. I hope to see you again soon.
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