 簡介 Brief
 新聞 News
 名冊 Roster
 連結 Links
 簡介 Brief
 新聞 News
 名冊 Roster
 連結 Links


This club is specialy designed for people who study/studied in North Point Methodist Primary School. The aim of this club is to let old missing friends to find each other on the internet. This page is written almost in English, but there will be a few Chinese you can find in here.

In the 簡介 page, there will be a brief discribtion of 北角衛理小學, some pictures of the school will be posted in that page if I can get any.

The 新聞 page is the news update of this site and news of North Point Methodist Primary School. Due to me, the owner of this site is not living in Hong Kong, so news of the primary school has got to be provided by YOU, please help.

名冊 contains all of the informations of (ex)students who had signed up to this site.

登記 page is how you sign up to this site.

某人 is the way you find your friends not in 登記名冊.

連結 contains links to other sites in relationship with this site.

-> 北角衛理小學討論團 <-

Go and see how many ppl have visited this site so far!

Best viewed with Netscape 3.0+ or IE4.0+

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Last update at 27/2/2005 7:54pm NZT


[簡介 Brief]

[新聞 News]

[名冊 Roster]



[連結 Links]