Submit Your Own Recipes to be Added to Our Collection!
Please use one of the submission methods below:

Form Submit:

Fill out the form below with a recipe and click on the Submit button to send to us.

Your First Name

Your Last Name

E-Mail Address

Recipe Title:

Please type in the ingredients and amounts for your recipe:

Please type in the cooking instructions for your recipe:

If you have any special tips for the user, type them in here:

City you live in:

State you live in:

Country you live in:

If you're all done, you can click on the Submit Button now.
Your recipe will show up in Staci's Recipe Archives within one week.
Thank you for your submittal!

E-Mail Text Submit:

Open your favorite e-mail program and fill out an e-mail with as many recipes as you like. Then send the e-mail with a subject of "submit recipes" to:

E-Mail Attachment Submit:

(To be used if you already have recipes as text files on your computer)

Open your favorite e-mail program and type "Submissions Attached" in the body. Then send the e-mail with a subject of "submit recipes" to:
