You actually want to take credit for this?
Sure, why not.
Anyway, here's who we are...
Andy "I'm the one who wrote this page, but I did only a third of the drinking. I'm also the person that you wrote to if you ever e-mailed Spicoli (when I still had my e-mail address here). If it doesn't say otherwise, there is a good chance that I am saying what you are reading, but not always. My favorite malt liquor is either Laser or Country Club. Erik, Justin, and I went to college together (at UC Davis) where we started our malt liquor habit."
Erik "I am a grad student working at becoming an overeducated, underemployed international relations bad-ass. In my spare time I enjoy running and working on my Henry Kissinger impersonation, but when I am with my friends Andy and Justin, I like bowling and watching Beavis and Butthead reruns while munching Hostess Little Chocolate Donettes and sipping down a cool 40 of malt liquor."
Justin Justin is the mathematical brains of this operation, and he doesn't seem to be affected much by drinking malt liquor, so don't play poker with him over a 40 of King Cobra, cause you'll lose. Hopefully he too will send me his own words describing himself soon.
Eric Eric is one of my best friends, we grew up together. As a Marine who can drink entire bottles of vodka, he figured malt liquor wouldn't be a challenge. He figured wrong, although he can still easily out-drink any of us.
Andy, some wuss, Erik, & Justin Erik (bottle empty) & Eric
And here are some other people who discovered this page and have been kind enough to help us out via e-mail...
Seth and Andrew These guys are real men, they buy their malt liquor by the case. They are also roomates going to school in West Philadelphia where they claim there is a plentiful selection of malt liquors. Seth's favorite malt liquor is Schlitz, and Andrew's is Little King's.
Anthony Galati Anthony is a New Yorker who really knows his malt liquor (and has had drunk at least two brands that I had never even heard of before) and is going to school in Albany.
Mike May Mike is a true Magnum 40 man who goes to school in Santa Cruz where he says "the malt liquor(true malt liquor) fans are few and far in between in this land of beer snobs."
Truong Nguyen Truong is a malt liquor fan from Canada where... "you can only get beers etc. from beer & liquor stores. Too bad I didn't live down in the states; I could go to the corner store for some OE or something." Kinda makes you feel lucky to by an American huh?
Fordy "Ounce" Curran I think the name says it all. He likes Mickey's, but I can't hold that against him because he chases it with a 40 of Olde English 800.
Chris Crayton A malt liquor fan in the truest sense of the word, he describes his favorite (Johnny Three Legs) as tasting "nasty" He is also the keeper of the Malt Liquor Swiggers Web Ring and is quite the whiz when it comes to graphics.
Ryan Harris "I am a guy from Seattle that loves all beer and its derivitives, or something like that."
Jim Caron A New Englander who definatly does not like yuppie beers, which is why he's here. He too is a real man who buys his malt liquor by the case and pays attention to the finer qualities of his bodily functions after drinking the stuff.
"Disco" Chris Berg "Forty Ounce? Sixty-four Ounce? That's nothing, we buy it by the 16 gallon KEG!"
Aaron Golub "I am originally from Philly, and now live in DC -- two towns with ample supplies of malt liquor. My Favorite Malt Liquor is Singha from Thailand -- though Colt 45 is a close second"
Matt Berta Finally, someone who has seen the Midnight Dragon!
David Mogen Anybody whose e-mail address was "submissiveurination" has got to somehow belong on this page.
Jason Ambrose "You know why malt comes in 16 oz. and beer comes in 12 oz.? The last four ounces separate the men from the girls."
Kleetis A malt liquor for breakfast kind of guy.
Grand Master Cheez Whiz  The Malt liquor has definately gone to his head... Just check out "Bodybag" for more info and a good laugh.
Alex Weiss "I'm a grad student in psych. You go figure..."
Harold You all should bow down to him because he not only had a recording of an old Olde English 800 ad, but he also went through the trouble to digitize it and e-mail it to me for all of y'all to hear.
Jason Klovning Another malt liquor drinkin' grad student (so that is what they do with those extra years in school)
Sam Bailey "...a slightly darker taste than the other bottles of horse piss I have recently tried..." yup, he knows his malt liquor
Chris Sweet Another Canadian from up north where they drink "Strong Beer"
Tri Nguyen Like Jim and myself, Tri is a true malt liquor fan who factors in the malt liquor shit when rating a malt liquor.