Made In AMERICA with NORWEGIAN parts!



  Norske Ya! Ya!


The UNofficial Lutefisk Website 

Site Menu
Chef of The Year
Leif Erickson Day
Coming events

Lutefisk, Lefse, Krumkake 

"If you can't say nuttin' gute 'bout lutefisk, den don't say nuttin'".......  This website is dedicated to Lutefisk, lefse and Scandanavian customs surrounding the enjoyment of Lutefisk and Lefse.
Lutefisk cut

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:16:21 -0800
Subject: Re: Swede Dog from Idaho

Barley is my parent's dog and as good Swedes and Fins, we have our supply of joke books and items for our favorite lutefisk. My 78 year old dad still buys the lutefisk dried from a supplier in Minnesota for our Scandinavian Christmas Eve supper. We gather for an evening of making our own potatis kurv and my daughters, now 23 and 18, fight over the pickled herring!
Ah, the joy of traditions. Renee

Someone has to ride up front with the Lutefisk! 

 Share YOUR favorite Recipe(s)!!!

  REVISED 10-03> Lutefisk Feeds and other events

V O T E ->
Lutefisk Chef of The Year 2008

Lutefisk Chef of The Year 2007, 2006,  2005,  2004,  2003,  2002,  2001,  2000
        Honorable Mention  2007
      Lutefisk Chef Mascot 2007

A Norwegian colony since 1004 A.D. 

Lutefisk eater puzzleO R D E R -> "UNofficial Lutefisk 2001-2-3-4-5-6-7-8" Multimedia CD <- HERE
or at

F E A T U R I N G ->  Lutefisk Eater Electronic Puzzle       [Use backarrow to return here!]

A N D -> More recipes, events and more!

Then lutefisk is outlawed,
only outlaws will have lutefisk! 

Ask about our:
Special "Lutefisk: It's Not Just For Breakfast" meal plan.

Please sign & view Our GEO guestbook! 

>Be Careful!
Ya May find Lutefisk stacked around this website. Ya! Ya!
Check the corners!!

Check out Ole's Lutefisk Pizza! Thin Crust!

Columbus used a Norwegian map! 

NEW --> Items

Lutefisk RECIPES       More Scandanavian RECIPES

Leif Erickson Day and other Lutefisk Feeds

Lutefisk Chef of The Year 2007,  2006,  2005,  2004,  2003,  2002,  2001,  2000

Ten T’ousand Svedes

Norwegian Prayer

Words for O Lutefisk Song  

Ode to Lutefisk kinda sick humor!

  Weather for St. Cloud, LaCrosse & Cape Girardeau

Lutefisk EMAIL

Old lutefisk posts for your enjoyment!!! . Includes links to Bob Dylan!

Velcommin Til Vikings

Special Greeting Click here for E-Card

What is it? Can you guess what this is?

Try our Lutefiskloader [JAVAscript]!

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    Please click here to Sign our GEO Guestbook    
    Please click here to View our GEO Guestbook  

View our old guestbook 2003 - 2006

View our old guestbook 2001 - 2002
View our old, old guestbook through 2000 .

Content Rating  ICRA rated

Counterbeen here! Ya! Ya!
Not all herring chokers tho. 

Play Again: Norwegian Wood

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Revised October 2008