Pirtdica's Homebrew Page

Pirtdica's Homebrew Page

I quess it has been quite a while since I last updated this site. Guess this family life, I have just started, is keeping me from doing things like this. Enough of that on to more important things Like Beer!

It is the favorite time of the year for most beer drinkers Football Season! It has just barely gotten underway and my girlfriend is on my case about not getting to absorbed in it. Oh well it's only for a little while and I am going to do it anyway.

So for those of you who enjoy the sport like I do. I hope to be putting some barbeque recipes on the site. And more beer recipes. I just added one recently. The Ameretto Stout hope you like it.

Before I forget, for those of you who like to use Oak chips a friend of mine told me to make sure that I tell you to use only white oak chips. He had a very bad experience with the dark oak chips. And make sure that when you do use the chips to soak them in warm water for five minutes, then bake them at 350 for ten minutes and then let them cool a little before putting them in the fermenters.

Last updated August 12, 1998

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