You are alcoholic no. cocktail lover counter to sample Lorato's cocktails


Warning: A tango with frisky witch at that time of the month is more likely to lead to a black eye than a nightcap, so do be careful, Grasshopper!

In short, enjoy the cocktails, and beware Italian barmen, breakable band equipment, furniture, and the worm...

There's also a poetry page if you're interested, with some poems by Robert Frost, W.B. Yeats, Henry Lawson and Banjo Paterson, the Japanese Haiku masters, and whatever else I put there so many years ago. The site looks revolting - go laugh at my teenage bad taste - but the contents are worth reading.

Perhaps you'd like a Random Oscar Wilde quote while you're here.



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Random Atheist quote from (I'm not an atheist OR religious, but they're interesting quotes):
So, you're only interested in cocktails? Too bad - this is a quote. banner - support your favourite non-profit organisation just by visiting this site

[Blue Ribbon Campaign icon] I'll just sneak in the words cocktail and cocktails while I'm at it
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The Baileys PleasureDome
These are the sites I got all the random free graphics from...this site should really look better, but hey, couldn't be bothered fixing it now...

Free Icons - not cocktails :( Pretty picture for another non cocktail site - why doesn't everyone have cocktails constantly on their mind? I just don't get this cocktail free site world!
Rattlesnake Graffiti WH Anderson's Clipart Collection
nothing - don't worry The author is a member of The HTML Writers' Guild - these people are boring too - no cocktail recipes here! and Spectrum Virtual U nothing - don't worry - not a cocktail recipe or anything important like that
AAA Matilda Australia
Add Me! - no cocktails here What looks like a cool way to speed up browsing - despite the lack of cocktail recipes
nothing important - like a cocktail recipe for instance This page hosted byA bunch of smegheads who've had too many cocktails and forgotten how to put this picture on my page - for those who don't know, it's hosted by geocities Get your own Free Home Page