~ Honeymoon Mad Libs!") msgWindow.document.write ("") msgWindow.document.write ("

Jo & Ray's Honeymoon Adventure!

") msgWindow.document.write ("") msgWindow.document.write ("After their ", form.Adj1.value, " and ") msgWindow.document.write (form.Adj2.value, " wedding, Jo and Ray went off on their honeymoon to ") msgWindow.document.write (form.Place.value, ". Jo was sitting in the swimming ") msgWindow.document.write (form.Noun1.value, " drinking a ", form.Liquid.value) msgWindow.document.write (". Ray was taking pictures of the rainforest ", form.Pln1.value) msgWindow.document.write (", when all of a sudden a(n) ", form.Adj3.value, " ", form.Noun2.value) msgWindow.document.write (" came ", form.Ving.value, " out of the forest! '") msgWindow.document.write (form.Excl.value, "!', Ray screamed, and ", form.VPT1.value) msgWindow.document.write (" on the forest floor. Jo heard the ", form.Noun3.value, " , and ", form.VPT2.value, " to Ray to ") msgWindow.document.write (form.Verb1.value, " him.

'What was that?!?' Ray asked Jo.

Jo replied, 'I'm not sure, but whatever it was left this piece of ", form.Noun4.value, " behind, and some of it is on your ") msgWindow.document.write (form.Body.value, "!'

'It's ", form.Ving2.value, " me!' Ray yelled.

Jo took Ray to the ") msgWindow.document.write (form.PB.value, ", and he had to get ", form.Num.value, " stitches on his ") msgWindow.document.write (form.Body2.value, ". All in all, it was a very ", form.Adj4.value, " start to their honeymoon.") msgWindow.document.write ("") msgWindow.document.close()}

Honeymoon Mad Lib!

I was spending a lot of my free time working on this website and working on my scrapbook. At my wedding shower, my friend Sara coordinated a game of Mad Libs, and I used the Mad Libs in my scrapbook. This caused me to dream that I was putting Mad Libs on my website. So I was determined to do this. I suppose, as you could say, this web-page is a dream come true!

We did have a slight problem during the shower because people did not know how to play Mad Libs. The way you do it is this: put a word in next to to the prompt; then hit the button, "Give Goofy Story." And I must give credit where credit is due: this is actually the Mad Lib that Sara created for use at my shower...

Plural Noun:
Verb ending in ing:
Verb Past Tense:
Verb Past Tense:
Body Part:
Verb ending in ing:
Public Building:
Body Part:

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