Lodges are mainly for the homid breeds. Lupine Garou are not as strongly encourageed to join a lodge as the Homid Garou are. The two Lodges represent basic personal philosophies. Both Lodges oversee the system of Laws and the Litany.
It represents the twin ideals of reason
and order. This Lodge teaches order, discipline, harmony, intellect, and
rationality. They are considered the servants of the great Celestine, Helios.
(Right about now, most of you are going back in your browsers to see which
Lodge I belong to. ~~L~~ well, believe it or not, I am of the Sun Lodge.)
This Lodge is deeply involved with the homid garou. Many of the Silver
Fang Kinfolk are members of this Lodge. (My folks are, and although I DID
consider rebelling agianst them, and joining the Moon Lodge "just because",
someone has got to bring excitement and interest to these BORING Sun meetings.
~~L~~ Might was well be me, right? I mean, why not?)
It represents the twin ideals of passion
and mysticism. (now, the "passion" I can understand, but the "mysticism"??
~~crinkling nose~~ I just knew this lodge wasn't meant for me. I want things
straight up and told like they are. I don't B.S. around anything, and I
hate it when other peeps do!). This Lodge considers itself the personal
servants of Luna, and it also has close ties to the Wyld. Personally, my
opinion is if you get too many Theurges in a room together, everyone just
suddenly begins to fall asleep. (~~L~~ not sure what it is, maybe they
give off some sort of sedative in their pheremones, but whhooooeee! ~~G~~
getting near more than 2 at once just knocks me right out! ... Ooo! plus,
for some reason or other, a lot of Ragabashes like this Lodge, and I hate,
... and I mean HATE sharing the spotlight!)