WORLD WAR TWO 1939-1945
When America entered the war in 1941 the European continent was overrun by German forces and the Pacific Ocean was ruled by the Japanes Navy, to win the war both areas of the world would have to be conquered. The challenge put forth to the young men and women of the United States would be  to destroy a monstrous evil that threatened the whole of civilization. The war produced the biggest armies, the longest battle lines, and destroyed more than any other war. More than 35 million people were killed in the war. The following men and women served in the greatest conflict in human history.
Alphabetical lists of Rochester men and women who served in World War II
List 8 - Those who made the ultimate sacrifice
List 1 - Almond thru Cartier
List 2 - Cartier thru Duchesneau
List 3 - Dugas thru Hanson
World War II Newspaper Articles from the Rochester Courier {1942}
List 4 - Harding to Lemke
List 5 - Lemire thru Nutting
World War II Newspaper Articles from the Rochester Courier {1943}
List 6 - O'Brien to Sneirson
World War II Newspaper Articles from the Rochester Courier {1944}
List 7 - Snider thru Young
background image - courtesy of DOC'S PATRIOTIC GRAPHICS